Patz's activity

Questions Asked

Has everybody got their decorations up?  I'm feeling guilty!

Wed, 12/08/2010 - 16:20

Two nights ago a gecko appeared in my lounge. It stayed high up on the wall and I couldn't reach it even if I were brave enough to handle it.  Yes, I know they are quite sweet, eat mosquitoes, etc and it only scares me when it moves!

Fri, 08/20/2010 - 06:53

Hope you are all having a great ferragosto.  What's everybody doing? I'm having a quiet day at home with my dog.

Sun, 08/15/2010 - 10:48

I live in a city centre, second floor apartment so I don't get much bother from creepy-crawlies, which is just as well, as I'm a city lady who is terrified of them.

Tue, 06/22/2010 - 07:30

I thought it would be fun to find out what everyone is reading at the moment.  I'm reading "Julie and Julia" in English and a bio of Rita Levi Montalcini in Italian.

Tue, 06/15/2010 - 16:56

Are people interested in the UK election where you are?  Here everyone is fascinated by "Bigotgate"!

Wed, 05/05/2010 - 06:59

Is anyone else addicted to those pocket chocolate espresso things?  Just wondering....

Wed, 04/21/2010 - 20:22

Can anyone else see a beautiful new moon out there? Made a wish?

Fri, 04/16/2010 - 18:41

Nothing but bills coming through the letterbox down here in Sicily.  How about where you are?

Tue, 04/13/2010 - 18:12

Comments posted

Answer to: Yellow card
Tue, 04/13/2010 - 17:41

I think it depends where you are in Italy and how they interpret the rules! I can only suggest you keep going back top the ASL and asking nicely for their advice and help.  But I agree that there should definitely be no problem after 5 years.

Sat, 04/10/2010 - 09:29

I like the "phone a friend one" best.  Yes, more please!

Answer to: Gordon
Sat, 04/10/2010 - 09:27

That brightened up my afternoon.

Sat, 04/10/2010 - 09:24

Hi, Geoff. It is, indeed, a fascinating subject and it is true that many Italians risked their own lives helping POWs. Have you read Eric Newby's autobiograpphy?  I hope you enjoy your trip and manage to find out more.

Sat, 04/10/2010 - 09:17

Hi, Pendy.  Just saying "hello" because I see there is already plenty of good advice here.  I've never rennovated a place but, with Sicilian prices in mind, I should think your estimates are pretty good.

Thu, 04/08/2010 - 20:41

Hello and nice to meet you.  I'm not near you but can you tell us a bit more about the challenges you are facing? Maybe we can all help because we've been through some of them.

Answer to: Our first egg!
Thu, 04/08/2010 - 20:37

Congratulations! I think that's wonderful.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 19:07

Hi, Brian and good luck. I can understand why you are hooked on the area.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 18:57

Thanks, Angie and Robert.  There are loads of pine trees around here so these seem the likely culprits.  I'd never even heard of them before!  Poor Dylano - I wish I could think of a way to stop him scratching his nose!  Poor Harry, too!  Simi sends wags and woofs to them both!

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 18:53

Yes, I'm warming to the idea!