User Activity
adriatica replied to a question: Ah the cost of isolation! with: "piedmont"
adriatica replied to a question: residency for pets with: "anagrafe regional sites"
adriatica replied to a question: CONGRATULATIONS RONALDO et al with: "agree"
adriatica replied to a question: From Puglia to South of France with: "i call girona the north"
adriatica replied to a question: Stihl or Honda? with: "stihl... very light... echo"
adriatica replied to a question: Your thoughts please! with: "not a newbie"
adriatica replied to a question: UK/London based Notary????? with: "suggestion"
adriatica replied to a question: Sardinians dealing with the G8 change of destination with: "your right gala..."
adriatica replied to a question: Stihl or Honda? with: "ride on and land"
adriatica replied to a question: Your thoughts please! with: "agree"