User Activity
adriatica replied to a question: driving to Italy with dogs with: "dog barriers"
adriatica replied to a question: Guttering with: "sometimes its not all it seems"
adriatica replied to a question: The New Mini Quiz for the Abruzzo Earthquake Appeal with: "now they would look silly doing that"
adriatica replied to a question: Hello again! with: "regional areas"
adriatica replied to a question: driving to Italy with dogs with: "scalibor"
adriatica replied to a question: Dream house, or nightmare come true? with: "agree mostly"
adriatica replied to a question: The New Mini Quiz for the Abruzzo Earthquake Appeal with: "fiver"
adriatica replied to a question: Hello again! with: "send him a message"
adriatica replied to a question: I'm Gone with: "i agree without a doubt"