Barry Lillie


Barry is a professional writer who specialises in non-fiction for the international, English speaking magazine market and trade press. Barry had over fifty professionally performed plays under his belt before turning to features writing, he is mostly experienced in arts, travel and food writing; he’s written for a varied mix of publications, including, Different Scene, Restaurant Life, US Brides, Gay Times and Catholic News, to name a few. As a travel writer he’s been privileged to have experienced many diverse cultures. Experiences include being kidnapped in the Middle East, trekking through the jungles in Borneo and surviving 79 days in a camper van touring New Zealand. Barry has a particular passion for anything Italian and has made the Italian region of Abruzzo his home, which he refers to as, Italy’s best kept secret.
When he’s not writing magazine articles he enjoys being immersed in the Italian way of life, and is often found in his local bar enjoying a coffee and catching up on village gossip. Barry is currently working towards producing a book of traditional Italian regional recipes and in the meantime keeps a blog where you can read all about his life in Abruzzo and the eccentricities of rural Italy, the web address is, http://

Articles by Barry Lillie

Mon, 01/13/2014 - 09:32
Pictured above: Grinzane Cavour, Piemonte (photo by Richard Noble). Welcome to a new series of “Share Your Italian Story”. This month, Richard Noble,…
Mon, 01/06/2014 - 04:00
On Christmas Eve, children in Italy lie in their beds waiting for the arrival of Babbo Natale (Father Christmas), however, in January when their Briti…
Thu, 12/26/2013 - 04:00
Santo Stefano in a painting by Giotto. December 26th is il giorno di Santo Stefano (Saint Stephen's day) and an important day in the Italian calendar.…
Tue, 12/24/2013 - 04:00
At Christmas, Americans enjoy pumpkin pie, the English have plum or Christmas pudding and the Italians have panettone. Just the mention of this sweet…
Mon, 12/23/2013 - 04:00
No Italian Christmas would be complete without the sound of bagpipes. Everywhere from the piazzas of Rome to remote hillside villages, the Zampognari…
Wed, 12/11/2013 - 08:00
Italians have a special relationship with baccalà; the salt-dried cod from the northern reaches of Europe is a Christmas Eve favourite and, in Decembe…
Mon, 12/09/2013 - 06:45
This Christmas, if you’re thinking of giving a gift with an Italian theme, then look no further: here are five ideas for adding a little Dolce Vita to…
Wed, 12/04/2013 - 08:00
While fleeing the Syrian King, Antichus, the first Jews began arriving in Rome as far back as 160 BC; creating one of the oldest Jewish communities in…
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 09:00
It would be fair to say that Italians are passionate about coffee. So much so, you would think they had discovered it. They didn’t. To make up for thi…
Wed, 05/16/2012 - 04:12
From the staple of student cuisine to the tables of the Vatican, in bakes and Bolognese; even collages made at nursery school, can there be a more ver…
Mon, 03/26/2012 - 06:27
Italy attracts over forty-three million visitors each year* and over four million of these visit the Vatican City. In 2005 over twenty-three thousand…

User Activity

Barry Lillie replied to a question: Hi everyone,This is my first time on with: "Ciao Martino,"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Not sure Steve, just thought"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Thanks everyone for getting"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "I too would like to hear from"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Thanks to everyone who has"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Hi AnnaB If you'd still like"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Dear Florence Apcar"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am with: "Dear PPB"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: Hi, I'm new to the forum and am with: "Okay here's my two-penneth"
Barry Lillie replied to a question: Hi, I'm new to the forum and am with: "which agents are you using"