Green Holiday Italy

User Activity

Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Hi I am looking to rent for a year with: "Hi Sara, do you have any"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Hi allI have just bought a house in with: "Welcome to Abruzzo, Jackie! I"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Whilst holidaying in Abruzzo, each time with: "Perhaps you are talking about"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Commercialista with: "I know one in Pescara who"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: I've written an amusing book about with: "I am writing a book (a"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: I am a 30 year old woman traveling with: "My sister and I went to"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Hello everyone. My name is Iris and I with: "There is a good school in"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Hello, I'm looking for a long term with: "Hi there, you might find it"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Does anyone know if there are any with: "There are very few beaches in"
Green Holiday Italy replied to a question: Hi.. Mum looking for an English with: "Hi GracieJeff65, message me"