User Activity

sprostoni replied to a question: stop off ideas please? with: "More detail"
sprostoni replied to a question: Buying without an estate agent with: "again!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Is it me or is the site really, really slow? with: "It is"
sprostoni replied to a question: Census 2011 with: "oh good !"
sprostoni replied to a question: For Sale . 1 slightly used Forum. with: "brava"
sprostoni replied to a question: House Insurance with: "landslips"
sprostoni replied to a question: Happy New Year to everyone with: "twentytwelve !"
sprostoni replied to a question: Satellite Broadband/TV with: "Well done you"
sprostoni replied to a question: Marche snow with: "Been and gone"
sprostoni replied to a question: IMU on property abroad with: "How often"