User Activity

sprostoni replied to a question: Moneycorp with: "Thanks"
sprostoni replied to a question: COLD WEATHER AND ENERGY SUPPLIES with: "It is bad..."
sprostoni replied to a question: Residence and the manovra with: "Nice one Fillide"
sprostoni replied to a question: Washing machine repair.... with: "Wow"
sprostoni replied to a question: IMU - F24 and calculations with: "Rolling out"
sprostoni replied to a question: Breakdown Assistance with: "ACI"
sprostoni replied to a question: A question about moving to Italy with: "Where are you?"
sprostoni replied to a question: 'Residential' versus 'fiscal' residenza with: "UK Tax"
sprostoni replied to a question: Legality of building a shed in our back garden with: "Hmmm.."