User Activity

sprostoni replied to a question: Agibilita with: "Cans of worms spring to mind ?"
sprostoni replied to a question: Washing machine repair.... with: "Piane Di Falerone"
sprostoni replied to a question: Earthquake...... with: "San Ginesio"
sprostoni replied to a question: New member to the community - Hi everyone :-) with: "Not noticed this"
sprostoni replied to a question: Swap or Re-cycle it with: "Good luck"
sprostoni replied to a question: Future of farming in rural Communities? with: "Practise"
sprostoni replied to a question: 'Residential' versus 'fiscal' residenza with: "One liner?"
sprostoni replied to a question: Taking the plunge... at last with: "Errrrrr !"
sprostoni replied to a question: UK Food Delivery with: "well....."