I am a 30 year old woman traveling

Susie0029 Image
09/16/2015 - 15:58

I am a 30 year old woman traveling solo to Calabria, more specifically Siderno, in the fall and was wondering if there is any advice or travel tips anyone who has done the same or even from locals! I speak some Italian but not much (still learning!!). When I tell people where I am going I am met with concern, especially being a young woman traveling alone. I take everything I hear with a grain of salt and try to keep an open mind, but however I am now kind of concerned. Any input would be helpful!!! Thank you so much for any and all responses good or bad. I appreciate honesty!



My sister and I went to Marina di Gioiosa Ionica for a week two years ago and it was the worst holiday ever. The owner of the place where we stayed took my sister's passport for check-in and didn't want to give it back till we paid the full amount in advance, there were rats in our apartment (he insisted they were very large lizards), the town was full of rubbish bags. Nobody smiled or said hello to us in the town (we both are very friendly and I speak Italian), we were sold food that was past best before. Absolutely terrible! But you have to experience that part of Italy if you want to see the authentic side of it.

Thank you so much for your response and honesty! I have already paid in full at the resort I am staying at so at least I have that going for me haha!!! Also I am meeting up with someone who is from nearby so hopefully that will help as well! I am more concerned with crime and safety than anything. I chose this area due to my family originating from here. Thank you so much for responding I greatly appreciate it! Hopefully my experience wil be better.

Ciao Susie, I visited Calabria this summer and had a wonderful trip. As anna says, you have to be kind of aware of where you go. For example, the area around Tropea, but Crotone was a hot mess, very much like she described. Maybe it could have been different if I went with someone from the area, but honestly I wouldn't send anyone there. Your safety will be just fine, people might not be as friendly as you would expect. If there is family nearby, even better... Try and visit Tropea, Scilla, Capo Vaticano, which have beautiful beaches and nice spots. 

Hi Susie. I visited Calabria for the first time last September (2014) and just fell in love with the place. Admittedly, I wasn't travelling alone, but the whole region encompassed what I love about Italy and everyone was very friendly. It's good that you speak a bit of Italian, as it will definitely come in handy. (Try to learn as much as you can before your trip.) I wrote a feature for The Guardian which should give you a few tips. If you have a car, try to stay at Le Carolee agriturismo, one of the most delightful places in the region. http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2014/oct/04/calabria-italy-beaches-bars-restaurants-hotels