modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sun, 05/14/2023 - 00:59

Otherwise change to an energy efficient boiler/water heater and aircon - that alone can raise your rating by one class. 

Sat, 05/13/2023 - 00:41

The rules are different for condos than for houses.  It depends where you are, in a centro storico you cannot do a 'wall'  capotto, and in some you cannot even change the windows without a special permit. 

However putting in double glazing is a good starting point.  

Thu, 05/11/2023 - 06:59

If your meter is in a place where it is not readily reachable then the comune will either leave you a card to fill in with your current meter reading or send you an estimated bill.  If its the latter you can then contact the comune with the exact reading and they will reissue the bill.  

Wed, 04/26/2023 - 01:02

No not really.  You can sell your quota, but nobody will want a third of a house apart from your sisters probably.  Only a judge can decide if the house is physically divisible and then it could be split into 3 with each of owning a third.    If it isnt physically divisible you have to find or force  an agreement

Realistically if you want to sell your quota, you need to offer it to your sisters first who have the choice to buy you out.   If they dont want to and you want force the sale there will be mediation and lawyers involved, and you might after many years get the decision you want. 

Fri, 04/21/2023 - 08:20

Certain things they could not have known.  Most builders are covered by increases in costs of materials etc.  It depends what you mean by preventivo.  Was it a full computometrico prepared by a professional or was it 'back of an envelope' from a local builder? 

But  I doubt you have recourse.  Have you a geometra/architect on board? 



Fri, 04/21/2023 - 00:50

Some costs went up due to Putin,  Most went up because with the introduction of the 110% incentives, the demand was high, and since ' the state was paying'  the retailers decided to make a killing.  Some prices are now coming back down, but yes, you will find that costs have nearly doubled, and more than doubled in some cases, over the least 2 years.   Similarly labour costs have gone up as companies looked for extra hands.  This is now going into reverse.  This has been also impacted with high electricity costs which means that tiles, sanitary ware, glass,  anything that requires kilns and heat, have gone up hugely, as well as being much more difficult to find, as many companies just shut up shop over the winter.    If you wait another 3 or 4 months before getting another computometrico you should notice a difference in your favour. 

Sun, 04/09/2023 - 02:15

You are in Regione Toscana which has a rule book, which covers everything from bathrooms to fencing.……

You may well need an agronomo to help you with your project. 



Sat, 04/08/2023 - 01:38

humble thanks :)

Sat, 04/08/2023 - 01:37

Yes, you can decline your inheritance, but you cannot gift it.  If it is declined then the existing heirs get your part, divided according the quota and the law. 

Fri, 04/07/2023 - 00:57

If you opt for the payment from abroad by wire transfer then you dont have to do the F24 - its one or the other.