modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 00:54

A right of way is a servitu on the property, it could be written into your act of sale/purchase or be transcribed by act.   Those that exist merely because they exist tend to be historical - or agricultural and they're not really things that you can do nowadays as people are much better at delineating their land, not sharing water sources etc.    

The beach and rivers to a certain extent though are demanio and as such are visitable by all.    This does not mean that you have to allow all and sundry through your land, unless it is a well marked and comunal right of way.  What you cannot do is block existing access, making a public road a private road for example.  

If you have an interpoderal right of way then you cannot close it, unless you buy all hte lots of lands it serves,  likewise nowadays you cannot sell a piece of land without access, so slowly these ancient rights and liens are becoming extinct. 

Mon, 07/05/2021 - 01:13

You have a right of way - the law provides you with a 20 year extinction - ie. if it isnt used for 20 years then there the right to pass becomes extinct.   But as with most habitual stuff, it is rarely transcribed.     AS regards your neighbour blocking access to the beach,    He can put up a gate, but he has to give you a key.   If he's just blocked it, you can unblock it, call the carabinieri or a lawyer.  

Fri, 06/11/2021 - 00:56

Doesnt that rather depend on a host of factors?  I suggest you do some research before relying on everyone else to do it for you. 

Sun, 05/23/2021 - 01:26

Italian law says that you cannot buy a car if you are not resident in Italy. 

Mon, 05/17/2021 - 02:18

I think its time you set up a blog and told the story of your renovations, (facts only) and give the geometra a link to it, telling him that its 'to help other people buying in the area'.  Once he grasps the fact that he will never work for another foreign buyer, he might do the work he's been paid for. 

Sat, 05/15/2021 - 01:12

Obviously if you live in Italy and are tax resident there, then you will pay tax on your worldwide patrimony.  If its a holiday home and you live in Italy for less than 180 days a year, you will have no tax presence and pay no tax other than on your Italian property. 

Mon, 05/10/2021 - 01:25

I sent a car from Sicily to Switzerland a couple of months ago using shiply - and the company was transeuropa express.   If you dont have specific dates and can wait till they have a lowloader in your area, the prices go down alot.    Everything went very smoothly.   If you're going both ways though, it would be cheaper paying someone to drive I would think. 


Fri, 05/07/2021 - 01:11

Say nothing and keep driving your car.  All that really matters to the authorities is that you have a traceable address to send the fines to:   Bizarrely there is no guideline about what to do in your situation and if a carabinieri stopped you they would be stumped.  

Fri, 05/07/2021 - 01:07

Prices are generally lower than five years ago so maybe rethink your asking price.  Do keep in contact with the agent, not every week, but an email once every couple of months keeps your house in their mind.  Bear in mind that the market in southern ITaly is very much second homes - and 5 years is not unusual.    Obviously it depends where it is and what it is.  If the agent hasnt even shown it (ignore the last year) then lower the price, its obviously too expensive.   

Tue, 04/13/2021 - 03:57

Yes, as long as your are not habitually resident in Italy you can add that clause, (as long as Canada signed up to the agreement).  You should also write a hand written will in Italy (and Italian) which says you would like the the inheritance law of your country of nationality and residence to take precedence in the event of your death.  

Make sure your Canadian will is an international will, becuase it will have to be translated and published in Italy to sort out your succession.