modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 01:32

Unfortunately insurance has nothing to do with it, unless all the apartments were insured - and that is not the case.  It is between you and the owner of the terrace who is has the legal responsibility as she has use of your 'suolo' as her terrace, but the roof is legally yours.  As with most things in Italy it takes alot of cajoling and threatening to get anything done.  She may well refufe, but a judge would order her to pay so you need to threaten court action.  If its a new roof which needs to be shared between all the owners then you share payement - assuming of course that the other owners want to pay - if not then you need to threaten court action.  So its your only option - a formal legal letter from a lawyer telling the owner that she is at fault and if the work is not done by her, then it will be done by you and she will be billed.

Sun, 11/09/2014 - 00:57

Hi,  what sort of volunteer and what sort of work?   Thx

Fri, 11/07/2014 - 11:38

Undedeclaration is now a thing of the past - the fines are huge and there is no benefit to buyer or seller from underdeclaring - it is likely that the price will be correct. 

Fri, 11/07/2014 - 01:13

Run off the visura catastale, which will tell you the notary and when the last act was signed.  Call the notary, ask for a copy of the atto, and there it is in black and white.  

Thu, 11/06/2014 - 04:11

I presume that adverse possession is called usucapione in Italy - and there are very strict rules about its apllication.  There are 2 types, that in good faith and that in bad faith - the difference is 10 years, ie - once a pretension to usucapione is transcribed it does not take effect for 10 years, (or 20 if made in bad faith).  The right of usucapione is based on whether it can be opposed.  If I have a ruin next to my house and cant find the owners I can claim the property in usucapione.   If within the next ten years nobody arrives on my doorstep and tells me that they are the legal owner of the property, it becomes mine.  On the basis of your question, all the owners should be informed, otherwise it will only take one to send it all haywire.  It also has a cost - as the usucapione must be transcribed by a notaio to start the calendar ticking.  If all the heirs give their consent its a pretty straightforward way of doing things, but not instant.  And of course if the resultant owner decides to sell they will have to sell on the usucapione with a significant reduction in price, as the new owner takes on the risk . 

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 01:14

1.  Agricutlural land can have dwellings in most of Italy - and  for a farmer they're much easier to build than for a mere mortal.  Also in most parts of Italy 1 hectare is the minimum building lot size.  2. As a farmer he has a right to an agricutlural contract which runs for 9 or 11 years adn is renewable.  Your only way to keep some control over the property is to let on an annual lease whci hruns from seeding to harvest.  3 In this latter case, you can also stipulate what is grown and what the land is used for - ie no animals only cereal crops etc.  But dont expect to get huge rents - it will be to all effects free, but the farmer will have to keep it clean and not present a fire risk.  

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 06:26

OK, this is a different problem.  When you build a house you submit a plan which the comune agrees.  If you then build something different to that allowed, you have to sort it out.  You have a house that is in 'difformità' and probably it can be sorted, by paying fines, sanctions and doing alot of paperwork to make it 'conforme'.  However, this depends on your comune - in some cases they can tell you to make the house that which you had permission for in the first place.   Whether it is your problem or the builders/constructors depends when the house was built, but yes its a long and expensive process. 

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 01:10

If you mean agibilità - then as with most things, it depends.  If your house was built before 1967 it is not a requirement, if it is new it is obligatory.  If it is a rental or tourist property is it necessary, etc etc.  If you have had work done with a concessione or a DIA its a good idea, and you should do it, but there is not legal requirement to do so.  If your buyers need  a mortgage you will need one.  If you mean conformità as to the impianti, the central heating, etc then yes, they need to be certified before the sale. 

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 02:09

The donation is a title deed.  Its like a house sale - you will paytax and notaios fees on it, and it will be transcribed and placed in the public registers.  For the rest i thought I was clear.  You make a donation to one child, and for 10 years it can be opposed by other possible beneficiaries.  After ten years it would be difficult to mkae a case to oppose the donation, but not impossible.  After 19 years, I reckong you're in the clear. 

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 13:39

IT is a perfectly valid and legal form of transferring property, but the problem with a donation is that can be opposed.  Usually notaios put a limit of 10 years for opposition, but the basis of it is that if you give soemthing to one child, then the others can oppose it and have it reversed if they dont get something of equal value.