modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 05:11

If it is the result of the succession, then the sibling can refuse the succession and it automatically will go to the other heirs.  Thats the only way to do it without incurring expense.  If it is as the result of a donation, then it must be donated in turn to the other sibling which has the costs of notaio and taxes.   I presume the original donation was done more than 10 years ago?    

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 05:17

It is more usually done by the professionista in charge of direction of works when they close the pratica of the cantiere.  You will be paying him to do this, as it will be included in his fee. 

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 01:42

If you are no longer in 'corso di costruzione' there is the accatastamento to pay, the completion of works, and so on - there is no fixed price, its related to the size of the building, where it is and so on.    You need to get your agibilità and then its all done and dusted. 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 07:46

It depends where you live.  If your comune decided the rate of TASI before 25May, then you should have paid your first instalment by 16 June. If not, then your first payment was due on 16 October.  Your second payment is due with your secondpayment of IMU on 16 December.  You need to check with your comune to see what their situation is- 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 01:22

YOu can book these museums online.  Do it - with the possible exception of the Duomo musuem as Ive never had to queue or even seen anyone else in there..... There is no offseason in Florence and Venice any more.  

Fri, 10/17/2014 - 01:02

Every region has a prezzario, a book which lists every job and every job component and their cost.  Sop you can discover how much it will cost to tile a floor in stone or in ceramic, how much it costs to take off old palster, and replaster etc.  You ocan find the prezzario online depending on the region or at a builders merchants or sometimes a bookshop.  They come out annually.  Any estimate given by a building company must be based on this prezzario - with subsequent discounts. 

Wed, 10/15/2014 - 05:51

Fill in your IBAN on the F24 and take itto your bank, they will deduct the sum from your account, and its free!   Alternatively go to any bank with the cash and make the payment - its also free. 

Wed, 10/15/2014 - 01:34

What a load of twaddle.  First of all, there is an albo for interpreters - it is the albo of esperti at the CCIAASecondly - there is no requirement for an official interpreter for a marriage service.  Anyone who can translate Italian to the understood language is fine, but they must swear to do it properly beforehand in the anagrafe office.  It is a serious thing to undertake,   Its a civil service and ITian law requires that the respondees understand what they are about to sign - but you do not need an ' official court translator'.  By the same token the tranlsator needs to be 'independent'.  Thats it - have a great time!  

Sat, 10/04/2014 - 01:30

It depends whether the property is indivisible or not.  Probably it is, in which case the majority wins - in that your sister will have to buy your shares, or sell.  BUt it will take a judge to force the issue 

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 01:09

It is very unliketly that any part of a PGT will have been altered, only reinforced - but I cant sepak for your specific case - you should get in touch with the Beni Culturali or go to the comune - alot of PGTs have been devolved to local level and someone in the urbanisitica section of the comune should know.