Heiko's activity

Questions Asked

Was the guilty verdict at the Meredith Kercher trial to save face for the judiciary and Italy as a whole as suggested in this article:

Sun, 12/06/2009 - 05:19

It may be Berlusconi's birthday today, but for all of you who say to stop complaining about Berlusconi, he's been democratically elected, should read this:

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 06:48

Comments posted

Answer to: Mystery Object
Wed, 02/24/2010 - 09:14

 ...ashtray remodelled from a tuna tuna can

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 12:45

I'd rather have a furry kiwi than a hairy Australian.

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 12:52

I left you a pm

Answer to: TV licence
Sun, 01/24/2010 - 04:34

Sources close to Berlusconi himself have called for a boycott of the RAI licence fee.  See http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/28/berlusconi-family-newspaper-television-licence.  So You could always join the boycott... ;)

Tue, 12/08/2009 - 06:21

I had a look at the comments on your facebook thing.  They seem to be mostly by paranoid Americans.  But as a whole the Italian justice system hasn't made a positive impression in other areas, where people with influence regularly get away with fraud and corruption, because they drag on court cases until they run out of date or bribe witnesses.  I can't but feel that if Knox had not been a foreign student, but the daugther of an Italian politician or possibly mafioso, she'd have probably got away with it,  guilty or not.

Sun, 12/06/2009 - 12:41

Well that got a discussion going!  I had no intention to put down the Italian justice system, although it is known to be slow and inefficient, but hey, as someone said, no legal system is perfect.  What I am saying is that on the evidence presented, not only by the Guardian, it seems a dodgy conviction.  They may well be guilty, but is there sufficient evidence?  A lot of things seem odd and don't add up, on both sides of the argument..  Luckily there is no death sentence here.  In the US the two defendants would no doubt be on death row now.

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 12:46

Hi again, I know what you mean by not wanting to be too far away from anywhere.  Fivizzano does have a railway station which is served reasonably frequently, however it is in the valley in the new part of the town.  There is a bus up the hill, or, if you are fit, you can walk (we do all the time!).  La Spezia is very close, and whilst it may not be the prettiest city in Italy, we rather like the atmosphere there.  Sarzana in my experience is very expensive, not only propertywise, although it's a pretty and laid back town.  See if you can find something in Arcola, which also has all the amenities and a pretty location.  The train station there is served very infrequently, but the slow(er) bus from Sarzan to La Spezia passes through there.  Like gemini says, it's a good idea to put the word out locally.  We are NOT estate agents ourselves (before anyone accuses us of angling here), but do know a lot of people.  So as I say, we are here to help if you need it.  Have a look on my blog.  we went to their Grape festa this year: http://pathtoselfsufficiency.blogspot.com/2009/09/of-rain-and-grapes-and-poetry.html.

Mon, 11/23/2009 - 13:05

Well we are sort of above Sarzana, and yes it's lovely.  Does sound you are rushing things a bit, but if you want any help to find something in the area, or any other advice, send us a pm (no not a Prime Minister, don't want one of those!).  My personal favourite having lived around here now for 5 odd years is Vezzano Ligure on the other side of the valley from us.  Best view in all of Italy and dead convenient for everywhere.

Sun, 11/15/2009 - 11:32

I still don't understand, why the format had to change.  Before we had a community, but the change alienated a lot of people and ripped the heart and soul out of this forum.  I had never joined any other forum, nor have I joined one since.  Simply changing back the format is not going to make a difference now, because it does not bring the people we lost back.  I'm just sad that that's the way things went.  Why fix things that ain't broke.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 12:33

I find myself looking in onto the "community" less and less, because it's plain boring.  As someone said, this has been the most interesting thread in a while.  I know personally of a few people who simply can't be bothered any more.  So on that note I'm off to watch the football match.  England - Brazil on Italian TV!I might pop in again in a few days time to see if anything interesting has happened...