Heiko's activity

Questions Asked

Was the guilty verdict at the Meredith Kercher trial to save face for the judiciary and Italy as a whole as suggested in this article:

Sun, 12/06/2009 - 05:19

It may be Berlusconi's birthday today, but for all of you who say to stop complaining about Berlusconi, he's been democratically elected, should read this:

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 06:48

Comments posted

Answer to: weather forecast
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 03:43

The first time I saw one of those uniformed weather men on RAI, when we first arrived in Italy, I thought they might be announcing a military coup that I had missed!

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 05:16

Here another link on the subject, written by a friend of mine: http://www.decanter.com/news/287691.html?aff=rss.  Again, it's a maybe or maybe not.  He also ignores the fact that white wien, whilst having lesser amounts of reservatols, also does not have reservatol "inhibitors" as many red wines have.  Can't remember what the substance is, but can look it up if anyone wants to know the technical details.

Answer to: New Member
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 14:20

Yes, you're right.  It's not my site by the way, though.  If you register with them you also get round-robin e-mails from everyone, or you can send requests out to everyone.  Very useful.

Answer to: New Member
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 15:46

Welcome to the Lunigiana.  There's quite a few of us here.  We've been on the Ligurian side of the Lunigiana for 5 years.  For specifically local contacts check out www.ourlunigiana.com

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 05:14

...and I told the landlady, me money was spent!  I'll bring me banjo!  To bring this back onto a serious level again for a second (one has to take on the wrongs of the world at the pub table sure), I just found this link: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090811/tuk-alcohol-blamed-for-oral-cancer-rise-6323e80.html.  If you read this carefully there are a lot of maybe's and possiblies in there.  So in other words, they haven't got a clue, they're just guessing.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 14:08

Hey count me in, whose round is it?

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 12:41

That with the "still being thirsty", was a joke of course.  Just like my "wildebeast theory".  You know the way that wildebeast only ever move in large herds.  The herd can of course only run at the speed of it's slowest member.  Lions being quite clever creatures go and catch those slowest members, the young, the old or the sick.  So consequently, as the lions pick off all the weaker members of the herd one by one, the whole group can move faster.  Follow me so far?  Now apparently,,, ecactly the same happens with brain cells and alcohol.  The alcohol only kills off the slowest brain cells, leaving the rest of the brain to think faster.  That's my theory anyway and I'm sticking to it!

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 15:42

Andrew you are right to question the authority.  The reports in the media is exactly what I was trying to warn against (no offence Gala).  I have studied for my Master of Wine, although never quite got around sitting the exams.  I have collected a huge folder of scientific info, much of it contradicting.  There's a book written on the subject by an Australian Doctor whose name escapes just now, will tell you as soon as I find it.  The red wine is better than white wine "myth" came from an American Documentary some 10 or 12 years ago, which was based on circumstantial evidence of peasants in Southern France having lower incidence of heart disease.  It became known as the French paradox.  Later studies have confirmed that the difference between red and white wine is minimal and in fact Danish studies confirmed that the Aquavit is also good, the same way as Scottish scientist praised the health giving properties of Whisky. I have been part of the wine trade for 20 years, so it has always been in our interest to exagerate every good news story.  There are benefits of alcohol consumptions as there are damages effects.  As with everything balance and moderation are th key words.  If you listen to every scare story about food stuffs potentially giving you cancer, you'd stop eating.  The same goes for the fabled olive oil.  No doubt healthy, but alledgedly causing cancer when heated to over 65 degrees celcius.  But hey I still use olive oil in all my cooking, I drink wine, sometimes more than I should, I live an active life, I consume meat in moderation, and vegetables these days only from our own land without a trace of any chemical sprays except from general environmental pollution. You live like that, you live as long as your genes will allow unless you get run over by a bus; oh and keep of the fags of course.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 14:11

I make a pesto with rocket:  a handful of rocket, juice of half a lemon, ricotta cheese, grated mature pecorino, 1 clove garlic, pepper and olive oli.  Whizz to a smooth paste and throw on your pasta.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 14:04

Valentina:  Yes absolutely, there cannot be anything wrong with that rule. Gromit: Yes it's true, but evidence shows that the difference between white and red wine is negligable.