Heiko's activity

Questions Asked

Was the guilty verdict at the Meredith Kercher trial to save face for the judiciary and Italy as a whole as suggested in this article:

Sun, 12/06/2009 - 05:19

It may be Berlusconi's birthday today, but for all of you who say to stop complaining about Berlusconi, he's been democratically elected, should read this:

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 06:48

Comments posted

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 13:23

www.fastweb.it.  Not in English though.  I was just phoned by them and was receptive to change, because I've had such bad experience with Telecom.  People told me to be wary, but surely it couldn't get any worse.  I have a fixed €45 a month (€16.99 for the first 3 on promo) and get a fast broadband connection, unlimited calls to Italian landlines and 1000 minutes free abroad to all of Europe and North America.  So as far as I can see only calls to mobiles will be charged unless I call deaf Auntie Ellie in Sidney for a day.  Haven't had a bill yet, but asked the question several times.  So fingers crossed.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 14:24

Since today I am on a Fastweb connection.  I have pestered Telecom / Alice for 2 years to get broadband, but they said it was not availbale for me, despite the fact that our next door neighbours have it with Alice.  Finally they conceded they could change my line and phone number, but it would cost me €200!.  So not only would I have the inconvenience of telling everyone about my new number, I would also have to pay for it.Fastweb sorted the problem, also with the change of number, but for free.  Also I have most of my landline phone calls for free now and in my quite limited experience I have actually spoken to real people on the phone.  So far so good.  Oh and the download speed is 2.76kb, not sure what it means, but it's infinitely faster than before.

Answer to: Fig salsa
Fri, 07/03/2009 - 13:07

I just picked a bucket of figs today and thought I'll try that recipe of fig salsa.  What do you use it for?

Answer to: wine tasting
Thu, 07/02/2009 - 16:19

I'm here!  I still haven't quite got my head around this new forum format.  Next week I shall finally be leaving Telecom and will be getting a broadband connection.  Then I should be able to have a look at this a bit more without wasting loads of time and telephone minutes.  Bit of luck the service will this time be acceptable, it couldn't get any worse!

Answer to: I'm Gone
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 13:22

It took me a good while to find my way around the old forum, not because I'm a particular technophobe, but because (and I know I'm not the only one) I'm still on an excruciatingly slow connection.  There is no sign when Telecom Italia is going to change this for us, they've already changed half the commune, so don't seem to feel the need to do the rest of us.  So not only don't I have the time to navigate my way around to find out how all these new fangled gismos work, every minute also costs me money.As others have said, this was for me mainly about exchanging ideas, information etc.  I tended to reply to things I felt I had something to say about and asked questions I didn't know the answer to.  Now I think I'll just do it the old fashioned way and ask the neighbours.  Much more civilised anyway.