sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

Lost the will to live on this forum.............hard work .........new posts = NINE pages to wade through!!!!! Byeee

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:10

Well................Having now persevered and lost track of threads/posts etc mainly because I do a few other things and then come back here...........connect up and see EIGHT pages of new messages.....................I cannot possibly keep up....

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:47

I'm sorry (Ronald......or whoever else is involved!)..Having made a living from  IT for THIRTY years and believing to possess a fair understanding of technology and how to deliver systems.................I would have absolutely ha

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:55

Is there somewhere or something hidden in the bowels of Italmag where I could find what the rules are on medical expenses as in being charged for a check up...............we are residents and I am 60 years young, we are 'allegedly' to pay IF we ha

Sat, 05/23/2009 - 06:51

I have to go for blood tests and the doctor was asking what my income is (I am 60yrs young), if it is OVER 10,000euros I have to pay..........(I don't have any income as such in ITALY), I do have a pension paid in the UK (over 10,000euros) through

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 04:09

Comments posted

Mon, 10/31/2011 - 06:27

I have watched this thread with great interest over the last few days and sadly I'm still not sure what I would get over and above what I have with the Popcorn 'thingy'. I currently have a very acceptable wifi connection (4mb), added to this a VPN facility (MPN), this all enables me access to BBC iPlayer (live and recorded), plus of course ITV, Channel 4 etc. This all runs via my wireless laptop, some programs we watch live (Strictly being one of them (!!!)), some are recorded onto the hard-drive of the laptop (iPlayer) for later viewing......the laptop is connected (via VGA cable) to the TV. When watching live BBC or ITV, things (IN GENERAL) are ok with only the odd blip every now and then. So,............ assuming that my 4mb connection is beefy enough, what else would I get ? Is the popcorn thingy just taking over from my laptop ? S

Sun, 10/30/2011 - 07:47

Sabina, I think you're correct, many people will not be aware..............but they are now !! brava ! S

Answer to: Tax on pensions
Sun, 10/30/2011 - 02:02

michelangelo, I believe.................Government / state pensions are taxed in the UK, with appropriate allowances being applied. Private pensions should be taxed in Italy, with NO allowances. Effect therefore = worse off ? Having said that, well worth the few grand per year extra !!! S

Thu, 10/27/2011 - 07:29

I don't think that I have ever criticised (certainly not knowingly) any content provided by another member on this Forum and have never felt the need to. If any member has concerns about content, the system or what another member raises, they should (as you say) not name call, just sit on their hands (no matter how 'regular' a poster they are !) Well done, hopefully those concerned can move on? S

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 14:19

A realisation...............eventually S

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:21

brava Gala Placidia for getting to Pamela's questions, in my view the whole thing is a mountain from a molehill............let's all move on ?! buona giornata a tutti, S

Answer to: Census 2011
Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:17

I've mentioned before, the online version is NOT difficult, drop down multi choice answer questions, any questions that you don't understand copy and paste into google language, it will all hopefully become apparent.......give it a go !! S

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:15

This is a good one, I look forward to the responses of the experts, I am also currently wondering how to go from a somewhat similar position to get true surround sound........... S

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 09:58

There are indeed a few ongoing niggles with the site, but be careful about commenting about them, even though I am sure (as others are), that we are all trying to improve things by raising awareness of any issues ! S

Sat, 10/22/2011 - 13:04

I have been on the receiving end of the odd tut tut from the odd 'top' poster, does it matter ? I think having got things off one's chest, time has come to move on. I enjoy/want humour on the board, as well as great information guidance and advice, keep it all coming, Concerns of people regarding the workings of the Forum are serious in that they (WE !) want to keep the thing going, it does on occasion seem to go off the rails a bit. (Sorry if I've upset anyone saying that but it does !) S