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Questions Asked

Lost the will to live on this forum.............hard work .........new posts = NINE pages to wade through!!!!! Byeee

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:10

Well................Having now persevered and lost track of threads/posts etc mainly because I do a few other things and then come back here...........connect up and see EIGHT pages of new messages.....................I cannot possibly keep up....

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:47

I'm sorry (Ronald......or whoever else is involved!)..Having made a living from  IT for THIRTY years and believing to possess a fair understanding of technology and how to deliver systems.................I would have absolutely ha

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:55

Is there somewhere or something hidden in the bowels of Italmag where I could find what the rules are on medical expenses as in being charged for a check up...............we are residents and I am 60 years young, we are 'allegedly' to pay IF we ha

Sat, 05/23/2009 - 06:51

I have to go for blood tests and the doctor was asking what my income is (I am 60yrs young), if it is OVER 10,000euros I have to pay..........(I don't have any income as such in ITALY), I do have a pension paid in the UK (over 10,000euros) through

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 04:09

Comments posted

Answer to: Hot enough ?
Fri, 08/26/2011 - 09:34

Wow...........it must be a month since we had rain here, the 'lawn-ha!!' is looking very brown..............rain not really scheduled for the next two weeks here.................HOT !!S

Answer to: Hot enough ?
Wed, 08/24/2011 - 07:57

Well, I think it is probably as hot a (prolonged) period as I can recall in the 4 years that we have been here, thank gawd the pool is only 29c !! S

Answer to: Hot enough ?
Wed, 08/24/2011 - 03:46

Hope it stays very good for you but my word, it is a bit on the hot side! S

Wed, 08/24/2011 - 03:43

Cheers SirTK, I'll investigate further, S

Answer to: Hot enough ?
Tue, 08/23/2011 - 13:33

Well, late-ish August, late 30s now................anybody TOO hot yet ??Roll on Autumn !S

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 07:08

Not sure about the ski-ing for Christmas in the Sibillinis, it may be a LITTLE early for snow, There well be LOTS of food and wine, the festas will become clearer nearer the time, dependent upon where in Le Marche you are located Get in touch in (say) november to get the latest. S

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 02:07

Can they do this if shorting is banned ? S

Sat, 08/13/2011 - 05:10

I agree that we should help those that NEED (NEED !) help through no fault of their own, the problems as I see them are that there are a lot of people expecting handouts and due to this, we struggle to look after the real needy as the costs are escalating out of hand. The feral idiots who are wrecking the UK at the moment are actually costing the normal taxpaying public millions for the policing, clean up operations, hospital treatments, court costs, prison costs etc etc. S

Fri, 08/12/2011 - 18:41

You know, the politicians just cannot do this, instead of pussyfooting around with woolly words, say what they mean............. Lots of people will have been living beyond their means for years. So now that the size of the problem has started hitting people between the eyes, they now say it is not 'our' fault it is the governments ! The government under Blair & Brown (in my view) spent WELL beyond their means and now the current government (it just happens to be conservative led) has to pick up the pieces. The government MUST change the benefits culture, but sadly, in trying to do this, they will likely get voted out next time, and so the spiral will continue downwards! Re the shorting........... I am delighted to see this ban in place, why on earth can it be right to drag a company DOWN to make money ?...............crackers ! S

Sat, 08/06/2011 - 04:43

I don't pretend to understand it, but investors being able to 'short' a share seem to drive the shareprice(s) down, why not make this illegal ? That way, if you want to invest, you 'support' the investment rather than dragging it down, it seems to be this sort of domino (and negative) effect is happening across the stock markets of Europe ? S