modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 03:42

Then New Travel services would be the best choice. 

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 03:41

Well, strictly its the impianto that is certfied - if you change a toilet then you arent touching the impianto - so its a flexible interpretation!   i would quite happily do everything that isnt tubing/boilers/sewage without a 'professional'

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 01:15

New TRavel Services - Cristian is the man You dont say whether you want a transfer or something else? 

Wed, 08/20/2014 - 03:24

You need a certficate of impianto - and its unlikely that the plumber will sign off on work he hasnt done.  If you dont have the certificate you cant sell the house.   But, there is nothing to stop you doing it yourself. 

Wed, 08/20/2014 - 01:14

An act of sale is a public act, and therefore anybody can see it.  If you dont want to go via a notary - you cna go to the Conservatoria di Beni Immobili in your provincial town, though this is the expensive optino as you will pay (more depending on how quickly you want it).   You dont have to say anything to the notary other than you want a copy - no justification, no reason.  Or get someone else to ask for you if you want to remain more anonymous... 

Tue, 08/19/2014 - 05:40

Run off the visure, which will tell you the name of the Notary who stipulated the sale with the reg. number - then call the notary and ask for a copy of the act. 

Mon, 08/18/2014 - 11:06

There is no email address, just the fax and phone numbers.  MAke sure its the right ENEL company - there are two distinct ones - ENEL energia and ENEL servizio elettrico - they are not connected. 

Sat, 08/16/2014 - 01:44

If youre in London you can try the Italian tourist office near picadilly - or a branch of Thomas Cook .... 

Sat, 08/09/2014 - 01:43

Or you could stop someone and ask them in English - and you will find that alot of people (certainlyin the north) speak ENglish.   Go to the usual tourist haunts such as Venice and Florence and everyone speaks ENglish.   Smile, wave your arms and ask in your best broken italian and throw away your iphone translator and the Italians will like you much more.   By the way your translation (google?) above, will just get you blank looks from Italians as its nonsense.     Try speaking Italian - its fun.  You are after all visiting Italy. 

Fri, 08/08/2014 - 01:14

I would doubt that they have an obligation.   It may depend on whether you are resident in Italy - as if you live there full time you would have more sway with the water company.   If you arent reached by mains pressure on a shared pipe, you wont get it on a individual pipe and will need a 'pompa a pesca' .  Whatever, you will pay for it, not the water company!  But its worth asking....