modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 08/27/2018 - 01:28

The region will publish a map which shows all the frana and hydrogeological risks in the area - any geologist can get his hands on it - and it will show you exactly the risks for the area which you are looking at.   It is necessary as it is used when considering planning applications. 

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 02:17

My advice would be to find a good local agency, preferably a member of FIAIP.  You are not obliged to sign an exclusive mandate with anyone, so refuse on the basis that if they cant advertise abroad and in English you will do that - and direct the buyers to the agency for viewings etc.    Many Italain portals now publish in various languages, adn there is nothing to stop you advertisingprivately on a site like .Most agencies who deal with foreigners are not agencies - they are just people who think they can make easy money.  A portal in the UK is also just that - they will promise you te Dolce Vita but they are not an agency and will just list properties, (taking their cut which cannot appear in the act of sale), and leave you all the work.   Get a couple of valuations and remember that you will be expected to negotiate on price.  

Sat, 08/25/2018 - 02:43

Well its a generic question.  Are you planning on selling privately or using an agency?  Do you need to sell quickly or happy to wait for the price you want? Have you had the property valued?  Are you up to dealing with all the bureaucracy?   Will the property appeal to Italians, locals or foreigners?  Depending on those answers you can decide how to go forward. 

Sat, 08/25/2018 - 02:38

Gettingprima casa agevolazione is easy - you just tell the notary when you buy a property that you want it.  Your only obligation is to then take residence in that comune within 18 months of the day of purchase.  

Mon, 08/20/2018 - 03:37

I think there is some confusion here.  Ugo is referring to a fabbricato rurale FR - which cannot be sold to non farmers since 2012.  However if the FR was converted to an ente urbano and is accatastato - as a C/2 or a C/6 then it can be sold to anyone.    

Mon, 08/20/2018 - 02:55

Ugo, its not really the rosetta stone - You want to buy a property, when it's described in the proposta d'acquisto it will say A/4 or C/6 (for example) - if its A then its a house, if its C then its not.  

Sun, 08/19/2018 - 02:30

Falling into traps is relative.   As a buyer you have the right to ask for information - and any property that is registered as an A at the catasto is a house.  If its a C or D then its not.  If you choose to sleep in a stalle or deposito then its your choice, nobody can stop you, but you cant say that your converted cantina is a 'room',  because it isnt.   A 2 bed house that has 3 bedrooms in the old barn (which is still registered as a barn) cannot be sold as a 5 bed house.  Your agent has a legal requirement not to tell you a pack of lies, as has the seller.   The visure for a property are public and you can see them - it will tell you exactly what you are buying.  

Fri, 08/17/2018 - 03:01

Presumably your ground floor is classed a deposit/magazzino/stalle or such like - and therefore isnt recognised as habitable.   For it to be habitable it needs light, height and satsify all the requirements for dwelling.   Making it habitable obvioulsy increases your living space - and as such the square metrage of your home, with increases in taxes and imposte.    To make non habitable areas habitable  the comune will ask for projects, building concessions etc - and they mount up.  The actual costs at the catasto and comune for a change of use arent that great, but the comune decides on its fees.   

Mon, 08/06/2018 - 02:59


Mon, 07/23/2018 - 02:09

As a builder, if you want to work on any job that requires a permission from the comune or belli arti, you must be in possession of a DURC to show that you are up to date with your taxes and working legally.  Failure to have this certificate means you cannot be considered for such work.   Many builders work in nero - but any work that requires any structural intervention, scaffolding, etc etc requires permissions.