modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 08:31

Its quite common that they forget to press the cancel button. You need to just keep asking them to do it - or get the notary to ask for you. Ive gone to the wire on a few occasions, where it is cancelled the day before the sale even though the amount was paid long ago.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 08:29

You can opt to pay a forfeit tax - cedolare secca - of 20% instead of paying the tax at your usual tax rate.  But I reckon you will need a commercialista to do it for you as the forms are not easy to work through. 

Mon, 09/24/2018 - 01:52

The short answer is no the rules havent changed.  The seller must anyway provide a new CDU before the sale, .  It is unlikely that in Tuscany the rules will be relaxed.E1 includes agricultural land that is environmentally sensitive, and it is virtually impossible to change the classification.  The Tuscany region has its rules, and the province too.   On top of all that are the national laws.   You shouldnt buy a property in the hope that things will change.  Here are the rules for PISA province:

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 02:07

If you live in a region where you can buy into the Assicurazione Volontaria - (the state health insurance) then it may work out cheaper than a private policy as you seem to have no income so will pay the minimum.  However, as Gramsci says, you must have health insurance to qualify for residency, and an EHIC card will not suffice. 

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 02:05

Genertel.  online only. 

Tue, 09/18/2018 - 01:46

The plumbing is probably in old metal pipes which need replacing with modern fusiotherm.  You usually pay 'per point'  so 1 point for a wc, 2 for a sink, 2 for a shower etc.  What you will need to know with a property like that is that it is connected to the main sewer,  and it could be that you wil lneed to renew the connection if the old waste is in a poor state.  Electricity works the same way - you pay per point - If its all external you save on a builder chasing out and refilling the channelling.   You will probably need a new fusebox and dedicated circuits,  but for a hosue of 40mq it wont be bank breaking.Your studio looks like a grotta/dammuso.  Is it registered as a house?  

Sat, 09/15/2018 - 01:56

If you bought with another person and are named as an owner of 50% in the atto, then your 50% is yours to do with as you wish.   It does not pass to the other owner, unless the other owner is your sole heir under the system of legittima and you leave no will.  

Fri, 09/14/2018 - 01:46

You will need to show you have at least 6000 euros to live on,  as well as have health insurance - a policy that is acceptable to the comune.  The paying tax bit is not relevant.   You will need to show that you have an address - and the comune may insist on something to show how you are staying rent free.  

Tue, 09/11/2018 - 02:07

Yes a 4 year contract costs less, but you have more responsibility for repairs and maintenance than in a furnished property.  You will probably have to give 6 months notice, and pay 3 or 6 months deposit.   You can take residence on a 4 year contract, so all utilities are in your name as well as the taxes. 

Mon, 09/10/2018 - 01:30

Unfurnished properties tend to be let on a 4 years renewable contract, whereas fiurnished properties are on an (up to) 18 month transitorio contract.   You will have problems taking an unfurnshed flat if the owners know you only plan to stay a year.