modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 08/24/2015 - 01:42

Usucapione in various forms exists in eveyr country.  You didnt understand Italian law, and under Italian law they acted.  That is your fault, for not knowing the law.  There is nothing you can do.  Move on.  

Sat, 08/22/2015 - 02:52

Obviously an office is not a house, so you cannot legally rent it as a habitation.     You will have problems registering contracts at the tax office and could end up with big problems. 

Wed, 08/12/2015 - 01:03

Interesting.  It would have to be a property of over 4km to be 3km away form both Modica and Sccli.   If you want people to look at your posts, stop using Google tranlsator and pay foir the advert. 

Tue, 08/11/2015 - 01:25

It is always possible that the land was sold, but the voltura wasnt done at the catasto office.  The act of sale is your deed, not the visura - so its depends what the act of sales say.  the visura is not legal proof, onlny a guide - and its easy to update. 

Mon, 08/10/2015 - 01:11 

Mon, 08/10/2015 - 01:08

You say you sold the property but fogot that this bit was included.  Presumably when you sold it, the  buyers assumed they were buying that piece too?  If so, you leaglly (and morally) cannot ask for money for the piece of land you forgot to include in the original sale.  If on the other hand, that piece of land is entirely separate to what was included in the original sale you can ask market price.     Whoever was your agent for the sale, should be taken to task.   However for the mappa catastale you need to contact someone such as a sbrigapratica, pr the agent who sold your property.  Even the act of sale whcih the notary will have will have the mappa catastaele attached, so you need to ask the notary for a 'copia conforma' of the act which will have all the attachments.

Sat, 08/08/2015 - 01:14

If your husband received the house as a result of a succession, than it is 100 his - and you have nothing to sign.    If he received it in another way and you are married in communion dei beni then it is possible you will have to sign before it is donated to your daughter. Bear in mind that donating a hose to 1 daughter without a donation of equivalent value to the other child (children) is opposable under Italian law, and if she is thinking of selling it withint 10 years it is probably no notary will stipulate the act of sale. 

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 13:10

He will draw up a progetto massimo, which if you agree he will do a prgetto esecutivo which is that which must be submitted to the comune for the permissions, along with a computometrico to get quotes for the work.   if you just want a sketch thats one thing, but for plans youll be looking at an all in figure which includes obtaining the permissions and all that, adn which will include his work, his pension contributions and so on -  A progetto massimo may come in at a couple of hundred euros, but its essentially useless. 

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 01:25

A vincolo idrogeologico can be various things - but usually as Ugo suggests its a result of instabiliy in the area which could be affected or worsened by what you propose to do.   The geologist who would have examined your application will have looked a thte idrogeological maps of the area, which classufy the land into variuos zones, the highest risk being those at risk of frana.  It may be that your land has a lower risk , for example that where you want to pur the road is already a runoff area for heavy rainwater, and you could change the nature of the runoff which would affect other owners.   Therefore your permission or lack of them will be dependent on how and if you construct your access road. 

Sun, 08/02/2015 - 01:03

Exactly - you are American .  italian law applies in ITaly and Sicly.  Even on Salina.  Without knowing what is at the bottom of your ravings, it is impossible to say who is in the wrong - but if you were in America and someone else was working your land for years, then you lose all rights to it.  Its not difficult.