modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 12/14/2015 - 01:18

Bear in mind that Italy is not on an ocean - it is on a sea - which will be watmer in Septemebr than June, byt about 5 degrees usually.  You regions you cite are very different between them, and your budget will be stretched in Sardina whenver you go - but you dont say for how many people you are searching for.   June and september are not 'high season, so you will get more for your money.

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 09:31

There is a world of difference between a resident and a nonresident getting a mortgage in Italy.  

Thu, 12/03/2015 - 01:43

What does your director of works, and health and safety say?   He must insure them, and make sure they abide by the law.  

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 00:59

Your UK licence is valid in Italy until its expiry.  If you want to surrender it early, thats your choice, but itwill cost you.  You need to go to your doctor and sort out a eye test certificate which is obligaory.  Go to your local motirizzazzione and tell them you want to convert your licence and they will sort it out.  Licences cost more in ITaly than the UK and depending on your age have to be renewed more often.   Id hang on to you your UK/EU licence for as long as possible. 

Sun, 11/29/2015 - 01:23

You will pay the quartely tax no matter which account you have.  It dependson you - if you will use internet banking than alot of accounts are cheaper.  Nearly all banks now discurage using tellers - the more automated is your account the cheaper it will be.   

Sat, 11/28/2015 - 01:00

I didnt translate anything  - PIazza Navona is always Piazza Navona whether you translate it or not.  I suspect they are being picky for languages in pictograms....  I have now renewed twice and never had any probllem but i supplied official proof - bank statements, comune bills-  A notary wont do a translation - they will authenticate your signature.  For a translation you will need a translatorwho can give a traduzione giurata at the local tibunale before a JoP.  The marchio di bollo is now 16 euros.  Look in the pagine gialle - there will be one in your area. 

Sat, 11/21/2015 - 01:08

You not only want a mortgage on a property being sold at asta, but you are not resident in Italy?  I think you are being a bit too optimistic.   AS a non resident, and UK you will have to supply a mountain of paperwork - literally a mountain - all translated into Italian, tax returns, payslips, NI stuff - the list is endless. Then you want to buy a house a auction whci is probably unmortgageabe.    Im afraid to say but for a UK resident to try an Italinan mortgage you shouldstart 2 years before you need the money.   Virituanlly no bank will consider you and those that might wont be interested in a mortgage for a property at asta.  Deutssche bank just may say encouraging things, but I cant think of any italian bank.   

Wed, 11/18/2015 - 01:02

I'm Corrie Yelland

Sun, 11/08/2015 - 01:25

Youre looking at the wrong sites. or have lets - for 1 year or for the more usual 4 year period.   Contracts must be registered by law if they are over 30 days.   Having said all of this, it is much easier finding a rental when you are on the ground - alot arent even advertsied on the internet. 

Mon, 11/02/2015 - 01:44

look on, which will show you prices in the area and the average price psm paid last year.