modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sun, 09/20/2015 - 01:53

So Sammy - calabrians are perfect - but you ruined it all with your last sentence.  Now I just think you're as bad as the tourists you hate so much. 

Sat, 09/19/2015 - 01:23

Then choose your times.   Or book an appointment online.  Sometimes other peoples inefficiency is directly correlated to your own. 

Fri, 09/18/2015 - 01:23

FLights from Naples to Catania are either Meridiana or Easyjet-  The latter is very expensive.  Ferry is fine - they are night ferries - so you save on the costof a hotel, and arrive early in the morning.  Or get the night train with a sleeper - again about 50 euros, and you wake up aournd 9 am in Catania.  Hire a car to get the best out of Sicily. 

Thu, 09/10/2015 - 10:50

They have doors - for the older and disabled who cant hoik their legs over the sides.  

Sat, 09/05/2015 - 01:37

The Church has lots of practise in getting most of the donations of this sort - there is a mechanism, but as its Italy, you are unlikely to get preferential treatment as a charity unless you are an ONLUS which is eligible for 5 x 1000.    Obvioulsy is somone wants to donate a structure thats great - but you need to speak to a nottary about whether there are tax breaks for the donor,.  If you arent registered as a charity in Italy it will be tough though, 

Sat, 09/05/2015 - 01:31

You have no tax implication in ITaly - the taxes have already been paid in the succession, so your part of the inheritance is now tax free ,   Good luck 

Fri, 09/04/2015 - 04:36

Hi tony.  From what you say the succession has been done, so you are now a legal owner of some of the house - which means you should have a codice fiscale/tax code.   Your stepmum wants/needs two things - a sworn statement by which you stipulate what has been previoulsy agreed,  which she needs for her purposes whatever they may be.  However, the property cannot be transferred without you giving a procura to someone to sell it or donate it to your stepmother on your behalf, ()if its going to be done in Italy).  This procura needs to be to a third person, obviously your step mum cant have a procura to sell something to herself.   The easiest way to do this is for her to send you a draft of a procura from her notary, which is then translated into English and which you sign, at an italian notary in the UK, and return the whole lot to the Italian notary.  Alternatively you could do the whole lot in London at an Italian notary, but it depends who's going to pay for it all - in which case you can make the act of donation directly to your stepmother for your quota of the property, and the notaio then registers it in Italy.   If you choose the latter route, your stepmum will have to add a good couple of thousand to the price to cover your costs. As to how much the property is worth, I cant say - without a will you get a  1/4 of the house and half of everything else your Dad left - car, money, etc etc.  Succession in Italy is fiddly but not complicated - 

Fri, 09/04/2015 - 04:18

There is no set answer.  IF the sisters go to court, a judge can order your father to sell, or buy out his sisters' shares.  They can sell their quota and by various means can 'force' your father to sell, but it can take years and years.  

Thu, 09/03/2015 - 03:36

Ugo - la madrina vorrebbe una procura per trasferire la proprietà - lei come co intestataria non può avere la procura - dev'essere un terzo, ma non sappiamo se la successione è stata fatta.  La proprietà non può essere trasferita, dev'essere donata oppure venduta, un semplice trasferimento del titolo non è possibile in italia se lui non riniuncia l'eredita.  Visto che non è chiaro esattamente vuole la madrina, è possibile che un affidavit che mostra l'intenzione del OP basterà, o non - è impossibile dire senza sapere la situazione.  è questo ho detto.  Purtroppo Google non aiuta con i definizioni inglesi dei termini legali.   

Thu, 09/03/2015 - 01:34

If you buy a ruin and then do it up, add a pool and so on - then tthe recalculation is bound to show that .- itis after all, the theoretical rental value of your home.  When you do work your tecnico is legally bound to have the house reaccastato to reflect its new value.