modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 00:37

Going in August isnt going to help.  However there are 150km of beaches in Siracusa/Ragusa - and ITalians wont walk far to a beach.  So aim for those where you need to walk a bit.  The Vendicari reserve south of Noto,  Porto Ulisse,   Capo PAssero - you will find that in August there are still deserted beaches.  If you want sunbed brolly and ice lolly to hand, you wont have the same luck. Just drive the car, find a place, and stop.  

Thu, 07/31/2014 - 11:47

Sorry I wasnt very clear.  If the owner sells to you with a clause which says he retains the ownershiip but gived you possession until the last rate of payment is made, you wouldnt be able to get a concession.  If he sells to you outright and you just pay in rates, then there is no reason why you couldnt get a concession because you will be the legal owners.  I hope it works out for you.. 

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 01:18

Yes its possible, at the seller's risk however. ONce the act of sale is signed and you decide not to pay there is very little the seller can do.   Any retaining clause will not allow you to get a concessione edilizia.  New build in Tuscany? I thought that was now impossible.   Re remortgages in UK - now virtually impossible if you want it for Italy.... 

Mon, 07/28/2014 - 02:00

I suspect that this is ultimately a problem for your employers, and not you.  However, do you mean that you are registered at the anagrafe as a resident?  You cannot delete a codice fiscale.  All you can do is 'emigrate' out of Italy - ie tell the anagrafe office that you are leaving to go back to germany for example.  This will not affect your rental contract - it would have been better if your company had rented the apartment in their name.

Thu, 07/24/2014 - 01:23

It will be a local associazione so you'll have to find out what there is around you.  The idea of turning up, paying a fiver and selling stuff does not exist in Italy - you wont get far - either with the people that control the market, or the police or the GDF

Tue, 07/22/2014 - 03:29

As long as you are not selling new stuff, you can have a stall in a flea market run by an associazione of some type and sell 2nd hand stuff without all the usual paperwork.  You will hvae to be a member of the associazione.   

Tue, 07/22/2014 - 03:26

Not that simple Im afraid.  You will need a geometra or tecnico to do the reaccatastamento, pay the fine because it should have been done a couple of years ago, and then pay the Catasto for the voltura - it will cost you around 1000 euros I should think.  This assumes that it is catasto'd  F.R.   A cheaper choice would be to have it reclassed as a unita colabente - always as an Ente Urbano but it will mean you dont pay taxes on it.   Basically you need to get your geometra to sort it out - whether its worth it for 10mq is for your to decide. ...  

Mon, 07/21/2014 - 01:39

It depends.  Is it totally derelict? Do you want to sell? Do you care if the building is there or not?   If its a pile of stones you can declare it a ruin and that is that.   What you cannot do is nothing,  since 2011 you cannot have a fabricato rurale so it must be reclassed as an ente urbano in some form.  or you cancel it as a building

Sat, 06/07/2014 - 01:48

Absolute tosh.  Of course you can sell a property with a mortgage on it.  However the mortgage must be paid off before the act of sale is transcribed.  Usually the owners pay off the mortgage with the caparra paid by the buyers at compromesso.  Failing that, at the signing of hte atto there is a cheque made payable to the bank, and the notary, buyer and seller all troop off to the bank and liquidate the mortgage in that instant.   

Sun, 06/01/2014 - 03:01

A city beginning with any letter will be on a map.  A town also.  A hamlet maybe not.  You asked for a city.   The only town of any size near Etna is Acireale.  Aidone is further away.  Or there is Adrano, Acitrezza, Acicastello, Aidone - all small towns.