modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Wed, 06/19/2019 - 06:32

What sort of advice are you looking for?  Parts of Sicily will be warmer than other parts.  some parts are coldand have snow.   If mild weather is paramount, look at the seaside which is always  warmer than inland, but also more humid. 

Wed, 06/19/2019 - 02:10

Yes you will need permissions,  either as a campsite or as agrocamping.   They vary from region to region but you will probably need to fence your entire property,  install (if allowable) a bathroom and toilet block,  and so on.   Look for Lazio's tourist rules on the web - regione Lazio will have something on its website.

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 03:04

If you are married in communion of goods - the default state in the UK - then it would make no difference, as you would still own 50% each even if the house were in one name.    T

Wed, 06/05/2019 - 01:24

No and yes. You need a collection of documents from the UK - including the nulla osta which must be translated and submitted to the Italian authorities in advance - you need to start planning your documents at least 4 months before the wedding. Once you have them, the actual process is pretty straightforwad - and you will need a transaltor here if the spouses dont speak Italian well.  There are loads of wedding websites which list what you need - make sure the info is uptodate - it all changed just over a year ago. 

Wed, 06/05/2019 - 01:21

The fixed charges are applicable to all suppliers.   You will only get a slight variation on the cost per Kw and the difference to your bill will be pretty minimal.   Asin the Uk there are lots of suppliers, but some will disappear without warning and you will be passed to a new one without your knowledge.  The big ones - ENEL energia, ENI, Sorgenia and a few more local ones will probably stick around.  If you are with ENEL servizio elettrico you will anyway get a new supplier after July as it ceases to exist.   

Tue, 06/04/2019 - 01:46

I agree with Ugo,  a good estate agent and a decent notary mean a UK bilingiual lawyer isnt necessary.  A lawyer will translate all the documents the agency will translate, and look at documents available online which anyone can see.    However 5% for an agent is astonishingly high whether they are bilingual or  not.  You dont say where you are buying - mpst regions have a guide as to estate agents commission, which at the moment is nearly always 3%.  Some agents  - in particular one  franchise charge 4% though they do exactly the same work as any other agent.     

Tue, 06/04/2019 - 01:39

Did your mother leave a will leaving her 50% to your father?  If so the will must be published in Italy by a notary before the succession can be done.  If there is no will then Italian law will prevail and the 50% ofyour mother will be divided between her husband and her children.     A notary is certainly the easiest way to go to sort out the succession and change of title.  

Thu, 05/23/2019 - 06:12

Nowadays you are meant to put them outside if you can.  If not you can put them indoors but not in a bedroom, showeroom or bathroom or garage, or in any room lower than the ground floor.If you put it in the kitchen the room must be more than 10 cubic metres.  You can have two tanks ofr 15 litres each if you have a kitchen of more than 20 cubic metres.   

Tue, 04/30/2019 - 13:14

each comune sets its own TARI, so it could be different.  

Sat, 04/20/2019 - 02:01

Do you mean your father bought a property 40 years ago?     Is the property in the names of the people who sold the property to your father 40 years ago?   Who did the sale -  an Italian notary?  Can you explain the situation a bit?