modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 01:16

Try looking in Lucca - the centro storico is flat, and easily navigated for people with limited mobility, and Im sure you will be able to find suitable accommodation by looking on websites.  My parents stayed in a small hotel there with ground floor disabled accommodation. 

Sun, 12/10/2017 - 03:43

Many bank s offer decent non resident accounts - the the biggest (and too big to fail) is Unicredit.

Wed, 11/15/2017 - 05:34

If it is a unita colabente it has no cadastral value and therefore you pay tax based on the price paid - the same is true for D/10, C/6 etc - anything that is not a civil habitation..    Do not try to reaccatast the property prior to the purchase - it will end in tears.    Usually the owners use the unita colabente solution to avoid paying IMU on a wreck.  However if a UC suddenly becomes a house again with no building concession or SCIA for restoration the tax office/comune/Beni Culturali will want to know why - with heavy sanctions.    Theagent should have explained this to you. The only way forward legally is to offer a price which takes into account the larger tax bill you will have to pay on purchase.   It comes asnews to most sellers too so usually they are willing to compromise. 

Wed, 11/15/2017 - 05:23

You bought six years ago so you will have no capital gain to pay.  For a second home the limit is 5 years. 

Tue, 11/14/2017 - 02:36

If he is going to buy your half, then he will pay notary fees and taxes on what he is buying - which depend on the rateable value of the property.   All of these fees are at the cost of the buyer.     

Wed, 11/08/2017 - 04:50

Ive always found having a 'scaldino' for the kitchen (10 litres)  and another (30 or 50 litres or even 80) for the bathroom is the most economical way to go.   A scaldabagno uses 1800 watts, typically - but having the tanks near where the water is to be used means no waiting for the hot water to come through,  and the scaldino under the sink if it is left on, uses very little electricity.    If you have a single hot water tank, you will have to sort out hot water pipes from your bathroom to your kitchen presumably.   An instant hot water heater probably doesnt give enough pressure for a shower to work well, whereas a 30 litre tank will give you enough hot water for 2 showers and a 20 min reheat time.    

Tue, 11/07/2017 - 03:22

Depending where your property is, you may have to terminate your water contract in person.  You need to make sure you are up to date with IMU and TARI payments, and that your closing electricty/gas bills can be paid.   If the notary prefers that you give a  POA to somone to sell on your behalf, then with prior notice the buyer can pay the POA holder who will then forward the money to you in the UK - but best that you know and trust them.  The agent cannot do this - it would have to be a third party.   If youdont have an Italian bank account you could ask the notary if you can be paid by bank transfer direct to a euro account in a UK bank - not all notaios are willing to do this, however.  

Mon, 11/06/2017 - 02:45

Alot of agents do do utilities transfers, however they cant do certain things which require either the person or a Power of attorney.   You are selling, how?  Are you givng a POA tosomeone to act on your behalf or are you going to be present for the sale which will be translated?As to how to get your money - there are  various ways. but it must be in a way which complies with the antirecycling legislation.

Thu, 11/02/2017 - 07:30

You need to get all your paperwork in order, and put it on some websites. will take private ads.  But rememeber that you are responsible for what you sell, and making sure that you have everything in place befroe the agreed date of sale.  

Thu, 11/02/2017 - 07:25

Naples is a port city and a real melting pot, so I doubt that you will get much actual racism.  However Italy is still institutionally racist - and not PC at all - its still fine to black up on telly and do silly voices, so tehre will be lots of times you will be left open mouthed at what people do and say.   For sexism its a different matter - Naples is one of the most shameless places Ive ever lived - you and your kids will need to put away any bashfuness and be able to turn round and give the toucheruppers and commenters a good mouthful.