modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sat, 08/12/2017 - 03:32

Payments in cash are no longer permitted.  If the notaio turned his back then there was something illegal going on such as underdeclaration.   Now payments must be inserted into the text of the act with all the details - bank, cheque number, etc.  Most notaries insist on assegni circolari - bankers drafts, or bonifici.  Very few notaries will advise personal cheques.  The traceability of all funds is a legal requirement.  

Sat, 08/12/2017 - 03:29

Your visure show 2 houses and a deposit/store - all of which are eligible for IMU and TASI.  If they were unused and not those things then it would have been up to you to turn them in D/10 or unita colabenti which would have had a lower rate or exemption - depending on your comune. 

Thu, 08/03/2017 - 03:19

He's a legally operating agent, the agency is registered and he uses registered translators.  Testimonials can mean very little to be honest.   But why not ask him to put you in touch with one of his happy clients.   

Wed, 08/02/2017 - 02:00

Official prices for Dogliani indicate a maximum of 1400 euros psm - thats for a house in perfect order.   You would be highly unlkely to get 2000 psm in that case. 

Fri, 07/28/2017 - 03:36

If you're resident in Italy then it should be duty free.

Wed, 07/05/2017 - 04:33

You must register as a resident after 90 continuous days or if you are in Italy for more than 183 days per solar year. Once you are resident - ie - live in Italy you are required to fill in all your tax returns and pay Italian tax, either exclusively in ITaly or under double tax treaties depending on where you come from and/or work.

Sat, 07/01/2017 - 01:44

declared selling price.  

Wed, 06/21/2017 - 02:41

OK - I must say Ive never heard of a a visa for retired people.  I would have thought you would need a Schengen visa and then residency, so presume this visa is asort of elective residency visa.  However what you are doing is just for the visa, not for residency in the comune of trapani, so you will have to do that when you arrive.    What is important for your health insurance is that the documentation is available in Italian - you will need that at the Trapani end.   It might depend on your creditcard providers - Amex has something that might be suitable,  otherwise for your first year - to fulfil the NY end of what you are trying to do, it's going to cost you alot.  I presume the consulate is unhelpful and wont/cant give you a list of approved insurers? 

Mon, 06/19/2017 - 01:34

You shouldbe able to get assicurazione volontaria from the local Asl - which will be cheaper than private health insurance.  You need to visit the ASL (health service) get them to work out how much it would be, pay it at the post office and then take the paperwork to the comune when you ask for residency. 

Mon, 06/19/2017 - 01:30

As long as the preliminary/compromesso says words to the effect of - tizio buys for himself, for others or with others, then you can change things along the way. If it says that Tizio buys, then Tizio must buy.