modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Wed, 02/15/2017 - 01:56

Contact the curia/diocese in the area you are looking.  However, it's not an easy thing to find.  Presumbaly you are planning a wedding in a Catholic Church?  The easier route would be to find the church and priest and then a translator for the wedding service. 

Thu, 02/09/2017 - 03:20

If he has no atto he is not the owner.  You are the owner and he is occupying it with or without your consent.  Even if you are willing to let him continue use it, you should have a contract whereby he pays the expenses etc

Thu, 02/09/2017 - 03:18

Your act of sale is not wrong - that is your title deed, and the proof of what the real state of the matter is.  I dont know when you bought, but from 2012 onwards there would have been a planimetria of the land attached to the act of sale which showed what is yours.  Your neighbour cando what they like at the catasto, but unless you live in Aosta or Friuli it is not legal proof of the situation.  However, you mustnt just keep your mouth shut.  As you dont have the money to start legal action, and will not want to, you need to stop the attempts of your neighbour closing off your land.  You obvioulsy have rights of access - as it is yours, and a gate is not permitted, especially if it has a lock on it.  If the comune is not helpful, call the carabinieri and ask them - if nothing else your denuncia will be on public record that you dispute the neighbours/your boundaries.    Italy has many problems but the law is on hte side of the property owner, and if your neighbour has decided to help herself to your land, then it is easy to stop it.  The thing to do is not remain silent.  You must say something on public record.  Good luck. 

Wed, 02/01/2017 - 04:12

As the house is in Italy, the income is Italian not American, so you even if you pay the tax in the US, using the double tax treaty you will still have to fill in and submitt a tax return in Italy and if necessary pay the difference. You will need a commercialista in all likelihood. 

Tue, 01/31/2017 - 03:52

If you rent out your own single property there is  no requirement to register at the comune and make it a 'struttura ricettiva'.  There is also no need for a contract unless you are renting for more than 30 days.   You should however make the denuncia to the police for your guests, and depending on your comune you may have to pay the tassa di soggiorno.The house is in Italy, land therefore the income is seen to be in Italy even if your clients pay in USD. - and you will need to file a tax return showing your income and pay tax accordingly.  

Thu, 01/26/2017 - 06:53

The right of usufrutto expires with the death of the usufruttario, so you are  the owner of the full property.   The only way you can not have the responsibility for the property is to sell it or give it away.    The man who is using it rent free, is there with no legal title it would seem,  but I would guess that if you want him out you will end up having to go to court.  He wants to keep using it but not pay a penny?  I think you need a stronly worded letter. 

Thu, 01/26/2017 - 06:49

It souns like a normal terms and conditions letter.  If it is, it doesnt need signing or returning, so Id bin it. Unicredit will do a perfectly adequate non resident account, with a chequebook and debit card and internet banking - which is slowly being rolled out in English.  

Mon, 01/23/2017 - 05:14

Are you American?  Many banks now dont want American accounts due to the US legislation,  but if you are an EU national most banks will happily run a non resident account.  Unicredit certainly do,  and most of the online banks such as Webank. 

Fri, 01/13/2017 - 03:43

Are you EU citizens? 

Fri, 01/13/2017 - 03:42

Could it be that EU Lawyer is ITalymondo?  Self publicity is a double edged sword!