modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Fri, 01/08/2016 - 02:01

If you get a partita IVA and therefore are a professional B&Ber there should be no limit on what you are allowed to do.  The regional laws are for people who let out a room to supplement their income and declare it on their tax forms.  if it is a business and run as such, the national law will surely apply.  

Wed, 01/06/2016 - 01:11

Hahahhhahahaa - Sorry to disappoint you but you live in a rose tinted world where Italy works.   PEC is the same a registered mail, but you shouldnt imagine for a minute that the AdE will use it to contact you.   Your best bet is to register on the AdE and Equitalia site - this is a long land laborious process whereby you will be finally allowed to get a user name and password , but which must be sent by post in two parts - and can then log on to see what the tax man thinks you owe.  For anything else you will still get mail and still have to go to the office and queue even if you use the online booking system which doesnt quite work - software is all out of date and they dont know how to use it.    Are the bills in your name? In which case you can legitimately ask that they send you them to your address - unless you have residence at your fathers address, and that will save some of the hassle.   The other option is to pay your bills and do your calculations on time, so you dont get the letters from the AdE or Equitalia.    Perhaps in a couple of years the PEC thing might work - Im still waiting for replies from the questura, AdE and other offices through PEC - but nobody reads them.  

Fri, 01/01/2016 - 02:02

second hand shops dontreally exist due to the tax situation. You would be better off getting on the internet and looking on or on facebook lìpages like vendo compro for your area.   

Wed, 12/23/2015 - 01:12

where are you?  You need someone you can visit - so having ana ccountant who lives miles and miles away isnt the greatest  choice....  

Tue, 12/22/2015 - 01:20

You might as well wait for the cartella esattoriale at this point, which is the famous black envelope with a bill in it.  Alternatively get a commercialista who can find out whether ihis IRPEF was calcualted but not paid.   2014 is due by the end of the year, or set in rates - but it does require a professional to sort it out - its too much for a mere mortal!  

Tue, 12/22/2015 - 01:17

pay byu direct debit.  

Sat, 12/19/2015 - 01:07

yikes! it costs half that in Sicily..... 

Fri, 12/18/2015 - 05:58

If not now, then soon - also it will probably just be tiles on laths, and you should replace it with decent insulation and weatherproofing.  Its worth doing it at the outset if your funds run to it

Fri, 12/18/2015 - 01:13

Alan H - a different question though - yes-  if you are converting 'non rooms' into rooms, then even though the house is old, it must still meet requirements.  Room rooms (if you get my drift) are always ok.  Height is one thing, natural light and window size is the other main thing.  Evevrything else is negotiable.  Being Italy its alla game of words.  As far as renting goes, there will be no problem, unless you are hoping to list your house with the 'official' holiday homes at teh AAPIT in which case the list of things you must have is never ending.  But very few people bother nowadays as it is no longer required.    

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 01:18

A house is a house is a house.  If it were built before the bulding laws were passed, it doesnt mean it isnt a house any more.  The estate agent is largely right.   If the rooms have natural light, ventilation but are lower than the new requirements, they are still rooms - and any way nobbody can stop you sleeping in a cupboard if you want to - you just cant sell it as a double bedroom if its a hole under the stairs.  Dont worry you're fine.