modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Thu, 03/10/2016 - 03:17

OK - your partner can get citizenship, it takes 2 years-  as can hs children.  You cant unless you grt married or are resident for 4 years.  The comune is wrong - there is no temporary residence for EU citizens.  You are resident or you arent.  you need to sort this out, andif it means throwing a screaming fit in the comune, then so be it.   Car - you will have to  take it to the UK to get its MOT - then bring it back or sell it and buy a car here, for which you will need to be resident.  (there are ways around it, but its a pandoras box).  So the moral of the story, is go to the comune, ask for your residency to be renewed, and your partner can start his citizienship online  -  online aplications only. 

Tue, 03/08/2016 - 05:06

ICI disappeared someyears ago - its now called IMU and TASI.  Becuase its a tax and not a bill, its up to you to calculate it and pay it on 16 june and 16 December every year.  There are online calculators, or you can go to your local CAF office who will do it for you.  You may even ahhvea comune  that is kind enough to help you out.  As a second home you will pay both - but most comunes dont decide the rate until a few weeks before the deadline so as with most things, you need to leave it till the last minute before paying. 

Tue, 03/08/2016 - 01:06

depends where you buy-  Personally there are bits of Calabria I would avoid, and bits of Campania, Rome and milan.  But on the whole I think its much safer than many other places.  most violent crime in Italy is within the family - children killing their parents, and men killing their women.   Obviously its not like it was 50 years ago, now you should lock your door and take sensible precautions, but there isnt crime against strangers as in other countries.  In the UK you would get stabbed in London for looking at someones girlfriend, here its more likely they'd attack you if you didnt.  I feel much safer in the south of Italy and  Sicily than I ever did in London.    There is crime in Canada too, probably in the same ratio to ITaly.  Its just bigger with fewer people.. 

Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:52

Given that the direction of works includes the collaudo, I dont think it is expensive really.  Its pretty par for the course.   IN fact your geologist is cheap! 

Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:49

The plans of the property now have to be shown to all and sundry at the time of the act of sale and signed by  the parties showing that they are accurate as to the current state of the building.Certainly there will be expenses in buying.  The notaios minimum fee is set by law, there are taxes depending on how the house is registered and your agent will also have a minuimum fee.  Dont pay the agent under the table, and insist he is written into the act of sale, as he is legally responsible for what he is selling you.  If he isnt in the act of sale the law says he never existed.  

Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:31

You dont need a lawyer and you dont need a survey. its your choice.    Its your risk - but as a lawyer can easily cost you 10.000 it seems absurd for a property thats worth virtually the same.   HOwever if its costing 13000 there's some money to spend somewhere!

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 01:04

Yes, start a new thread - and ill happily reply to your questions. 

Thu, 03/03/2016 - 14:09

CHarlotte Oliver is your gal - she's in Rome, but with the world wide internet (as my mum says) thats no problem  Google her or search on here.

Sun, 02/28/2016 - 01:49

depends where you live as to what you will pay.  Usual deductions for garage, off road parkgin etc-  You can bring your noclaims from the Uk if you reinsure within 18 months of leaving.  Ask your insurer for your nocalims in Italian and you can switch. otherwise you wnter at class 16 and it will cost you a fortune. 

Sat, 02/27/2016 - 01:30

Your health insurance would be deductible up to a certain amount-  As to car insurance, it would depend if you had the car as a work benefit or as a private car.  If it was for work, then yes you can roll over some of the insurance costs.  But if you buy the car as a private individual then Im pretty sure you can't.   I only started getting deductions when I bought the car as a business vehicle.