modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Mon, 02/15/2016 - 01:13

The short answer is no.  You will pay at least 23% on all your earnings, minus deductions for family, healthcare, optician etc. 

Mon, 02/15/2016 - 01:11

ITs wha Gaia says if you can do it with a nulla osta from the comune (called a S.C.I.A.) , if you need to make any structural intervention - or change anything, open up windows, change roofs etc then you need a building concession - a concessione edilizia  which costs more. 

Sun, 02/14/2016 - 01:03

Echo are widely considered as the best.  get the biggest you can manage, both in money and size.  You wony regret it. 

Sat, 02/13/2016 - 02:00

The short answer is no there isnt.  (There wont be till alarm manufacturers lobby and pay alot of money)  In certain public places there is a requirement, but by no means all.   As far as carbon monoxide alarms - again no, but boilers are now installed on exterior walls.  They are advised if you have portable gas heaters, but not obiligatory. 

Thu, 02/11/2016 - 01:20

Yes you can.  The agency is there to work for both parties, not just the seller.  Call the agency and tell them that you had an agreement to sign the atto by such and such a date.  That date is now past.  You want a date set at the notaio to 'convocare' the seller - even if he is not ready to sign.  Legally you should be signing a new preliminary at this point.  If you are losing money, then getting the seller to the notaio whill a) make his buck p his ideas and 2) allow you ask for expenses.  Otherwise he will have to refund double the difference.  The agency has to work for you on this one, so stamp your feet. 

Wed, 02/10/2016 - 09:37

The law is very clear.  Have you tried to make an appointment with a notary - as the buyers its up to you, or areyou waiting for someone to do it for you?  I would makean appointment and inform the seller that that is when the atto should be done.  IF he wants to buy time, he must reimburse your costs - by common agreement.  

Tue, 02/09/2016 - 01:07

With a smattering of Italian you can look on which has private local rentals and some agencies.  Agencies will charge you a months rent even on rentals of 6 months, which is naughty I think.  However you should be looking for a holiday home which the owners will let out cheaply out of season.  Bear in mind that summer homes rarelyhave heating.   Look at the private ownerlettings type thing and contact them for an out of season let. You should basically be paying per month what they ask fora week in season - plus bills. 

Mon, 02/08/2016 - 00:54

Exactly - I upload via ftp and can immediately see changes.  Do you use Filezilla or an ftp engine to upload, or is it integral to your webdesign software?   It sounds to me that its your ISP provider who makes you wait - and this may be because its free andthey want you to pay for a premium service or its riding on the back of another provider.. 

Sat, 02/06/2016 - 01:16

Itstands for residente al estero  - ie resident in another country but Italian citizens.  The poster does not have residency in Italy, but it an Italian national.  This means that the state gives certain benefits - exemption from IMU for example.  It does not mean she is exempt from customs duties.  

Fri, 02/05/2016 - 01:11

You must be resident at the moment of the import to claim exemptions, that is the problem.  However as you are in AIRE you may sneak in through the back door - but 33% seems ery high, I ve never had a client who has paid that much.