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Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sat, 02/27/2016 - 01:26

You will need to up your electricity definitely.  As to whether you can project manageit, it will depend on your comune - as you need  permission which comes with a professional attached who has to be in charge of site saftey and works - all of which you cannot do by law.   You cant just dig a pool because the neighbours have one.   It would be a very expensive mistake. 

Fri, 02/26/2016 - 06:50

If you're single, with no dependents then italy is expensive, though there are more deductibles than in other countries.  HOwever, detracting fuel (, electricity, gas, heating and car) and insurance the cost of living is much cheaper than in other countries.  

Answer to: Bank Charges
Fri, 02/26/2016 - 01:17

8 euros a quarter is tax and you pay wherever you have a bank account.  

Fri, 02/26/2016 - 01:15

Direct Line in ITaly is prohibitvely expensive.  Ive just changed from Conte to Quixo which costs 40% less.  However, legally you must import your car into Italy (change your plates) after 6 monhs.  

Thu, 02/25/2016 - 01:53

If you look at the voting record of the British public over the last few years, sensible and pragmatic are not words which come to mind.  Selfish and short termist are.  On that basis the out camp has a good chance of winning. 

Wed, 02/24/2016 - 01:51

The B&B rules will be decided by the province not the region.   They will decide how many beds you can have without a partita IVA etc

Mon, 02/22/2016 - 01:12

THere could be huge differences if Gove, Smith and the other gollums of government succeed in persauding the British public to vote out.  The first, which would be the first thing that the UK govt would introduce would create problems for anyone with Italian residency - as the law of reciprocity in Italy is applied.  It is likely that lots of Brits could become 'unwelcome'  under a new sysem with limits on what they are allowed to buy and or do.   No benefits for 7 years in UK - then none in ITaly - and if this means health care and schooling, then so be it.   It will undoubtedly mean more taxes, and possibly the idea of bringin a van down loaded with stuff for your new house, will also not be possible.   It is  aplan hatched by xenophobes who are thnking only of their reelection.   

Sun, 02/21/2016 - 01:23

I have done this for many US citizens.  Before you start however, bear in mind that is unlikely you are going to get rich.  You cannot just sell a house of which you an heir.  You must do the succession, which requires transaltions of wills, codice fiscali, etc etc- and then when you are a legal owner in ITaly you can sell if all the ownerrs want to do so via a power of attorney..  A hosue in COmiso or Vittoria can be worth a little as 20 or 30.000 euros.   If you are not a sole owner it can take years and years to sell a house.  In any case it will take 3 to 5 years to sell it with all hte paperwork necessary.    

Tue, 02/16/2016 - 01:18

Deductions depend on circumstances, age of child, whether the wife works whether you rent etc..   If you go to your lcal CAF they can help you work it out. 

Tue, 02/16/2016 - 01:16

Avoid the DIY places as adised above - pop along to a agricolo services, where the locals go - and they will stock the ones that work/arent the same Chinese model in different colours/you can get spares for - Yoll be paying upwards of 350/400 but it wll last you years.    However if your land will take a mower then get one - a hectare doesnt look much until you have to strim it.   I bought a strimmer a mniBCS and a rotorvator - and in retrospect a tractor would have been better, although I am now thinking about dwarf goats and donkeys.