modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Tue, 11/29/2016 - 03:04

a quick look on the internet seems to indicate 110.000 to 200.000 -ybut if its a prototype id suggest trying to get in touch with Alfa Romeo itself and see if they want to buy it for their museum.

Fri, 11/04/2016 - 07:50

Unfortunately it isnt just the Bank of russia type of cheque which presents problems.  One of the major Italian banks now advises all clients not to scan and email any cheque, as if the account it hacked you can end up with somebody cashing your cheque before you get to the bank.  Alot depends on thenotaio you use.  Some insist on doing things in the old mannerwith cheques, and wont countenance anything else.  Notaio's who are more used to foreign buyers are getting familiar with bank transfers.   You can pay by bank transfer before, during or after the act of sale, but everything is dependent on the vendor being agreeable.   What is important is that the method of payment is written in detail into the atto itself.  The notaio can quite easily insert a line which says that the sum will be paid/received within 5 days (for example), but many dont like this.   The risk is for the seller.  For the buyer the risk is paying before the atto.  If you have a wonderful bank manager who will sit on the phone with you there is nothing to stop you paying at the moment of the atto - but you need an understanding notaio (with email) who will then insert the transaction number into the text before it is signed.   There is also nothing to stop you paying in different currencies, as long as the euro equivalent is agreed.  However, to reiterate, it is a process that requires agreement from all parties - a buyer cannot just dictate his terms.  if the vendor has everything explained to him, they are usually fine about it.   For example I am doing an act this afternoon which has half the money being paid from Krona to sterling with a euro equivalent as a bank transfer, and half as a bankers draft from an italian bank.  As long as everything is written into the act of sale and the traceability of all the funds is clear, there is no problem - but to repeat - you need a notary who is up to speed.  The problematic atti have been those with foreign bankers drafts - the time for clearance, and the possiblity of counterfeits, as well as complete incomprehension on the part of the seller makes them so.    If you can get a bankers draft from an italian bank, all the better.  However, if there is a mortgage to extinguish at the moment of the atto, then this is not a permissibile solution, and it must be an Italian issuing bank.  

Wed, 11/02/2016 - 03:52

The fact that its a buyers market doesnt change the law.        

Wed, 11/02/2016 - 03:49

The prezzario is not just for public works - it is the price guide for all works, though you negotiate a discount.  There is nothing in English for the Noto area - we are after all in Italy.  However, when you bought the agent should have told you what was feasible.  The CDU attached to your atto will give you the basics, height, colume and distance that you can build.  Bear in mind that with the piano paesaggistico in Noto alot of land is now not buildable.  If you are in a green zone (zone 2) then you can build to low density, but thecomune is against building where the view to and from the city can be impaired. Obviously as an architect you can design your building, but you must have an Italian egineer to transalte what you want to do into something allowable in Italy - I use an engineer who speaks English and is honest in Noto and who will not try to put his stamp on the building.   You can pm me if you want and Ill send you his details.  As italprogetti says, you can not oversee your own job . you must have a qualitifed person on site as director of works and to be responsiblefor health and safety.   Bear in mind that in Noto they do not look kindly on glass and steel boxes, they want 'traditional' building , double pitched roof, rendered etc that fit into the landscape.  If you are in zone two all your plans will have to pass the Beni Culturali for their parere, which adds time and sometimes costs to the project as they can and will tell you what they see as acceptable or not.  

Fri, 10/28/2016 - 10:41

There is no obligation for a vendor to accept anything other than an Italian cheque.  If they do, they suffer as the cheque must be sent manually to the issuing bank to be cleared which can take 60 days.  It is far easier to pay with an Italian cheque or arrange  a bank transfer in front of the notary and writing the TRN number into the act of sale - for the law on traceability.  

Fri, 10/28/2016 - 10:33

It can be complicated especially if you, as the heir, are not Italian or live abroad.  It depends if there was a will or not.  If not then the property is dealt with under Italian law and divided up accordingly.  The will, if there is one, must be published in Italy, and then the succession done.  It takes time and money. 

Fri, 10/28/2016 - 10:31

If the properties are indivisible you cannot force anything.   It would be best to find an amicable agreement, whereby as Alan says you get full ownership of one or two properties and she retains the other.  Otherwise your only option is going to court. 

Fri, 10/28/2016 - 10:27

No it's not easy.  It will be like buying it again.  Your LLC will have to buy from you - persona giuridica buying from a persona fisica, or you can donate it to the company.  Each way will mean a notarile act and the payment of taxes.  

Mon, 07/04/2016 - 06:25

Ugo instead of insulting people why not read the document issued by the comune of Firenze - hardly bangladesh - for IMU 2016 - which says 'Per le abitazione possedute dagli altri cittadini italiani residenti all'estero ed iscritti all'A.I.R.E., NON PENSIONATI nei rispettivi paesi di residenza, deve continare ad esser corrisposta l'IMU, come negli anni scorsi, applicando l'aliquota ordinaria.  In questi casi non c'è assoggettamento a TASI.   

Mon, 07/04/2016 - 04:52

Taxes are paid on the rateable vlaue of the property not on the price paid.  it is quite possible that a propertyfor 80.000 has a rateable value of 20.000.   It depends where you are buying and when the property was last updated at the catasto. If you are registered in the AIRE can you get prima casa benefits - yes, in most comunes.  The benefits for a home owner are that at the moment you pay no IMU as a prima casa owner, but you will pay more for refuse collection usually.  However each comune can decide if and how much they charge AIRE owners.   In my area 3 out of the 7 surrounding comunes do not give AIRE owners exemption.   So, it may be worth asking the comune where you are planning to buy what their policy is.