modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sun, 05/08/2016 - 01:08

IMU is a tax so its up to you to calculate and pay it.  If you dont the comune will just forward the wholedebt along to the debt collection agency who will then add hefty sanctions.  It is not the comunes fault that you didnt know.   IN Italy ignorance is no defence.  However you will need to have all your taxes and fees paid and up to date by when you sell the house. 

Sat, 05/07/2016 - 06:11

If you're talking about IMU and your relatves werent resident then you would pay 2a casa rates on the house.  There is no deduction for an unoccupied house unless it isnt fit for habitation and declared to be so.   However it depends on your status as the owner - if its you are resident  then in 2013 you would have had deductions.  If its for TARI/TARSU then this depends on wherher there is a resident or not - a nonresident usually gets a discount on hte rubbish tax because they0re not there all year.  

Thu, 05/05/2016 - 01:13

Grazie Ugo - Ho un mutuo con una delle banche piu grande dell'Italia, Sono andato 3mesi fa per estinguere il mutuo, e mi hanno detto e mostato le condizioni che non mi permettono farlo senza penale.  Parlo di un esperienza personale, non ha nulla da fare con mio business nella 'tua' patria.  Thank you Ugo.  I have a mortgage with one of the bigger banks in Italy.  I went 3 months ago to partially extingiush a mortgage and the conditions of my mortgage do not allow it without a penalty.  I am speaking here of personal experience, it has nothing to do with my doing business in 'your' homeland.  

Wed, 05/04/2016 - 01:26

 I understand that it is illegal under Italian law to charge a premium for paying a mortgage off before the full term  - there is nothing to stop banks from hitting you hard if you decide to pay off early.  

Tue, 05/03/2016 - 01:28

With the market as it is, you should really try and sell before you buy-  Bridging loans can bring untold misery. 

Fri, 04/29/2016 - 14:06

There are lots of expats in Cianciana, and im sure there will be lots of English soeakers there who will help/share their stories/give pointers.  Im in Modica which is two and a half hours from you, but this is not the first time I have heard your story.  Write me an email or a pm and Ill see if i can help.  Its a matter of embarassing people into doing something, and facebook and twitter are very good for this.  No agency  or builder wants bad press.   The problem is that often agencies and builders are hand in glove

Fri, 04/29/2016 - 03:34

where in Sicily are you?  finding an independent engineer to check building work is easy.  your problem is with the agency who are not working on your behalf, which is all too common.  you are the client and its yourmoney.  But if you have signed a contract then you cannot just walk away.  drop me a line if you want to, if you''re in the south east then i can certainly help

Thu, 04/21/2016 - 06:28

The youve got inscription at the CCIAA, INPS, and tax to take into account.   Good luck!  

Wed, 04/20/2016 - 01:01

Everything depends on whether you are running it as a business and therefore VAT registered or not.  And that depends on where you live, your property and your personal circumstances.  Then your taxes and ss payments are due on your tax status and personal circumstances so its impossible to give hard and fast rules.   It will more than you ever thought possible though! 

Tue, 04/19/2016 - 02:49

The High Court has decided that the decree was worded badly - including the definition of 'tv set' and therefore it looks like there will be a delay.  However, techincally you should only be charged if you have a resdient tariff on your electricity bill.