modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Wed, 03/30/2016 - 01:22

It will be 20 euros, as very few cash machines now have 10 euro notes.   I suggest you put your card in, ask for 20 euros and see if it accepts your request.  

Thu, 03/24/2016 - 02:49

Everything depends on how long you commute for.  If you take a flat in Milan for one year, but go back to the US fr less than 2 weeks every month then your financial and legal situation gets complicated.  You will need to sort out your Schengen visa, you will still need a Permesso di Soggiorno in Italy, and you may be required to take elective residency.    Perhaps staying in the US to live adn work and taking regular breaks in Milan would be a better way to look at it. 

Wed, 03/23/2016 - 02:11

Alot of places , usch as Palermo and Catania in Sicily , have direct US flights in the summer only.  It depends on your US airport really as Steve says above.   Otherwise you can live within 1 hour of an airport here which takes 3 changes and 2 overnights to get to.   You will, i suspect, be lmiited to being within an hour of Rome or Milan.  

Wed, 03/23/2016 - 02:09

It would depend where you are thinking of buying, but usually a cash purhaxe does give you more leverage in the offer. Any owner would prefer someone to buy the home who will not be dependent on a mortgage being granted, which makes the sale unsure and adds to the length of time between compromesso and atto.How negotiable a property would be depends where you want to buy.   In the centre of Venice or Florence where the market is driven by foreign 2nd home buyers, there will be virtually no discount.  Go to an out of the way place with a sluggish market and you can probably reduce the ticket price by up to 20%

Mon, 03/21/2016 - 02:33

OK drop me an email or a pm and Ill send you the details of the one I use. 

Sat, 03/19/2016 - 02:04

It depends whether you are looking from someone for a sale/purchase or a problem with an existing property

Thu, 03/17/2016 - 12:18

YOu will pay the standing charge whoever you are with, and you canby Enel by direct debit asking for a RID form which you can fill in, or pay via Banca Poste onine using the option to pay utenze. 

Thu, 03/17/2016 - 02:34

This is a really tough one!  Obviously you know the stuff that others are saying above, that the mortgage is a legal act constitiuted by a notary etc etc and if you are taking out the morgage in ITaly you need to add a fair bit to your costs and taxes at the point of purchase BUT  whether you should choose USD or Euro is a good questions.  if I knew i would be rich I suppose - I suspect the USD will fare better than the euro over the nxt 20 years - unless of course Trump wins, in which case invest in any currency other than USD:  The Euro has too many cracks to make you think it wont have at least one major hiccup in the coming years.  Howeever, the pessimists like me, tend to bleat on about there is a looming financial crisis that will make 2008 seem a blip.  With the levels of personal and institutional debt increasing ten fold in the last8 years it will happen at some point.  QE has been massive in the Us and EU so both are at risk of contagion.  I would, on balance, plump for USD over the Euro at teh moment - assuming you are paid in USD - but you must vote democrat!   

Mon, 03/14/2016 - 03:37

If you can get dual nationality there is no reason not to do so - it gives our children more options in later life, and also their children.  its a bit of a hassle, but if their grandad was Italian its pretty straighforward, and worth the 200 euros.  

Mon, 03/14/2016 - 03:35

Someone in Italy can do it with a delega, usually your estate agent.  It takes 10 mins to do at the tax office, everything depends on the queues, but you can now book an appointment online.