modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Thu, 01/02/2020 - 05:07

Comments posted

Sat, 04/16/2016 - 03:14

It depends where and what you want to buy.  Banks are very chary about giving mortgages on rural properties and older properties in Sicily, and the paperwork you need to supply is vast.   If you can get a second mortgage on a UK property it is undoubtedly easier than launching into the Italian system. 

Thu, 04/14/2016 - 01:26

<Then its Palermo - this is the Zisa.   Well done Gaia.  You can see the arches, and mouldings here. 

Wed, 04/13/2016 - 10:30

INteresting one - now Ive blown up the photo (have you got one in higher resolution?)  Im inclined to agree with Gaia.  Its certainly not a mosque, the figures in the capella are either saints or bishops.   But it could be one of the  early Norman churches which had a very islamic feel to them, and then is in the process of being 'baroqued' as happened so often.  It depends if the vaults are mouldings or are, as I originally thought, just unpainted areas.  The type of moulding, could be found in the Norman churches in Sicily - of which now there are very very few, and unless its the Cuba or the Zisa its a church that no longer exists.  

Mon, 04/11/2016 - 01:13

Blige.   Technically there is a 5 year maximum periodfor claiming payment for utilites, but it does depend a bit on whether you have a telematically read meter or a metere which needs to be looked at.   You  anyway have an obligation to keep your bills for at least 5 years.    Have they not been sending you bills or is it a conguaglio?   I suspect it will also depend on your provider - some are worse than others.  however, you do need topay the last 5 years and can argue/refuse to pay the rest.   They would have to prove you have been notified before the period expired.

Fri, 04/08/2016 - 09:12

The harbour where he moors his boat will probably provide a postal service.  If he has no house then the post office wont oblige with a postal address.  He may be able to persuade an estate agency or a hotel etc to accept his mail.    other than that you could use a western union office or such likeHe cannot buy a car or motorbike or moped without being an Italian resident as alan has said above.  

Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:23

If they're absolute beginners you could be jumping in the deep end,  but if you really want to, then choose a simple song lyric that they will know - play it and write it on the board.   Then all say it together.   That way they wont feel useless.     All Italians seem to know Imagine and Hotel California!  

Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:19

Annual Property taxes are much lower in Italy than in the States, but the taxes payable on purchase are higher - but they are a one-off charge.    As Gaia says things change alot if you are planning to live here full time, or whether its a holiday home.   Rubbish collection is calculated on your square footage, so the bigger the house the more you pay.  Your other taxes are payable on the rateable value of the property.   Utilities -electricty and water are not cheap.  Gas is not widely available.  

Sat, 04/02/2016 - 01:29

Looking at the 'unfinished' vaults I would suggest it would be one of the Raphael rooms in the Vatican or somesuch. 

Fri, 04/01/2016 - 07:00

No its not imperative, it's your choice.  If you live there all year round there's little need - but if you are leaving it unoccupied for months at a time, it's best to leave it secure.   There have been a few burlgaries in C/a Piani of late. 

Thu, 03/31/2016 - 12:46

If you're,having persiane, then no need.  If no then put in metal bars, at least non fixed ones that you can take out when you are in residence and put up again when you leave.